When will it be safe to go back to work in Prague?
How are companies and co-working spaces in Prague handling the transition back to work?
Analysis: Prague SMEs will lose up to three-quarters of trillion crowns in productivity due to coronavirus
Prague SMEs play a big role in the Czech economy but have been overlooked in post-coronavirus recovery efforts
Renovations on Prague’s Malostranské náměstí will start in an effort to create jobs
The revitalization of Malostranské náměstí is now moving forward after years of delays
Average Czech wages rose 7.1% in 2019, with Prague crossing 44,000 crowns monthly
Prague’s average wage in Q4 2019 was 44,237 CZK, the highest paid sector was information and communication
Wage growth in the Czech Republic is expected to slow or stagnate in 2020
The wage growth seen over the last few years is slowing, and many companies are more selective in hiring
Live or work in the Czech Republic? 6 new laws to know in 2020
From mobile phones to sicks notes, these are some of the laws to pay attention to this year
British employees in the Czech Republic on the rise following Brexit vote
Britons make up only about 1% of the foreign workforce in the Czech Republic, but they are growing faster than others
The first DisruptHR event comes to Prague this week
An English-friendly evening of talks wants to challenge the workplace status-quo in the Czech Republic
Czech unemployment regulations may tighten in July
The Czech Labour and Social Affairs Ministry plans to introduce stricter rules for job applicants as of July within its effort to reduce long-term unemployment
Czech holiday calendar 2020: six long weekends in the forecast
Only two of the 13 Czech holidays fall on weekends, meaning people get 11 days off this year
These job skills will be critical for the future Czech labor market
Programs exist for helping students and new graduates flourish on an increasingly demanding and tech-focused job market
A 'dignified' gross minimum wage in the Czech Republic is 31,460 crowns monthly, say experts
In Prague, the dignified minimum wage is greater at 36,850 crowns due to higher costs of living
10 essential rules for working better with international colleagues
Follow these simple ground rules to handle the international office environment with professionalism and ease
Prague’s average gross wage hits 41,720 CZK in Q3 2019
Average wages in the Czech Republic rose almost 7% compared to the same time last year
Minimum annual vacation time in the Czech Republic may be extended from four to five weeks
The Czech Chamber of Deputies is now debating a proposal to prolong the basic length of holiday time for employees from at least four to five weeks
How working for Doctors Without Borders in Prague changed my life
Canadian expat Reena Sattar came to Prague as an English teacher but would later make an inspiring career change