British employees in the Czech Republic on the rise following Brexit vote

Britons make up only about 1% of the foreign workforce in the Czech Republic, but they are growing faster than others

Raymond Johnston

Written by Raymond Johnston Published on 28.01.2020 10:43:34 (updated on 28.01.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

The number of workers from Britain in the Czech Republic has increased. Compared to June 2016, when the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU, the number of British employees has risen by more than one-third. The number of Britons who decided to live in the Czech Republic permanently has increased by 55 percent, according to statistics from the Labor Office and the Ministry of the Interior.

The Czech Republic passed a law last spring which, in the case of Brexit without agreement, guarantees Britons the same treatment as other EU people until the end of the year.  The Withdrawal Agreement, signed January 24 but not yet ratified by the EU, guarantees the rights of British citizens lawfully residing in the EU as of December 31, 2020.

At the end of 2019 according to data from the Ministry of the Interior, 8,332 people from Britain lived in the Czech Republic and 2,666 of them had their permanent residence In June 2016, some 6,111 British and British residents lived in the Czech Republic, with 1,716 having permanent residence.

The number of Britons is rising faster than the number of immigrants from other Western European countries. In the Czech Republic the numbers of French and Germans, for example, are rising, but more slowly, and a smaller proportion of them have permanent residence in the Czech Republic.

TIP: A Brexit Town Hall meeting will be held on January 30, 2020 for UK nationals in Prague. Representatives of the British Embassy in Prague will be onhand to give an update on UK Nationals’ rights and the Withdrawal Agreement, followed by a Q&A session. See event details here.

There are also more British employees in the Czech Republic, according to the Labor Office. In June 2016, officials registered 3,277, and at the end of last year that rose to 4,464.

People from Britain make up only a fraction of the foreign workforce in the Czech Republic. They represent about 1% percent of EU workers and about 0.7% of all foreign workers.

The reason for greater interest in the Czech Republic in recent years may be not only the good Czech economic conditions and living conditions but also the local growing English-speaking community, according to the Czech News Agency.

Until the end of this year, British citizens only need their ID card or passport. If they want to stay longer than 30 days, they should report to the Foreign Police. They can then apply for a temporary or permanent permit for a longer stay.

Permanent residence is granted after five years of living in the Czech Republic. A temporary residence permit can be obtained if a person has been in the Czech Republic for more than three months.

Foreigners from countries outside the EU-28 need permission to stay and work. Upon arrival in the Czech Republic, they must report to the Foreign Police within three days. They can also apply for a permanent residence permit after five years of life in the Czech Republic, but they must pass an examination in Czech, have a living and have enough money to live on.

Britain is scheduled to formally leave the EU on January 31, but 11 months of negotiations are expected to follow to reach an agreement on trade, aviation rules, fishing rights, and other issues. The transition period will end December 31, 2020.

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