10 Ways to Say “I Love You” in Czech
Why aren’t Czechs big huggers? And should you actually call your beloved a “little butt”? These and more tips for terms of endearment
Google Maps Changes Czech Republic to Czechia
The shorthand name for the Czech Republic is becoming more widely accepted
Law Would Make Translations of Foreign-Language Ads Mandatory
The Communist party is pushing new legislation that would require Czech equivalents on all foreign-language signage
Are the Daleks from Doctor Who Czech?
The iconic alien beings from the long-running British TV series might have originated from a Czech word
Simulated English-Village Language School Opens in Prague
A new school is giving English-language instruction in a renovated farmhouse complex meant to replicate a UK village
Czech Sayings You Should Start Using In English
These colorful Czech idioms and phrases are useful—not to mention really funny!—in English, too
Your Most Embarrassing Czech Language Fails
Non-native speakers share their most monumental Czech-language gaffes
Czech Language Exam for Foreigners to Get Tougher
A new, more challenging test of a foreigner’s Czech proficiency is in the works for the near future
5 Czech Language Myths – Debunked!
Are these misconceptions about the language preventing you from learning Czech?
Survival Czech: 15 Phrases to Learn Now
Czech class not happening? Try this crash-course cheat sheet of helpful words and phrases
What’s Happening to My English?
Why Czechlish and Euro-English have crept into your conversation and what to do about it
10 Reasons Expats Don’t Speak Czech
These are some of the most frequently heard excuses for skipping Czech class – do you agree with them?
Oops! 10 Czech Language Faux Pas
Learn these unwritten rules of the Czech language to avoid a foot-in-mouth moment
Czech Swear Words and Put Downs
You probably won't learn these in your intermediate Czech class!
Is Czech Driving You Mad?
Journalist Erik Best and other non-native Czech speakers share their secrets for fluency
Weird Czech Movie Title Translations
These Czech translations of English-language movie titles are funny, crass, and just plain odd