Expats.cz Bar & Club Guide

Expats.cz presents the best bar and club options in Prague, Czech Republic

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 01.06.2023 12:00:00 (updated on 26.07.2024) Reading time: 1 minute

Craft cocktails served in vibrant settings have become a regular feature of Prague's food and drink scene, from Letná to Žižkov. The growing cocktail culture values innovation, with bartenders using high-quality spirits and locally sourced ingredients, including Czech liqueurs and distillates for a local twist. There's also a trend towards low-alcohol cocktails influenced by the sober-curious movement, and regular pop-ups provide another great reason to go out for a drink.

But where to start? Whether you're looking for a nightcap in the swanky surroundings of a hotel lounge or a bold drink shaking up the latest cocktail trend, our guide is a great place to start.

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