Czech Republic coronavirus updates, Dec. 10: cases continue to rise, deaths reach 9,226
Got. extends state of emergency, medical students back at school, PES level could increase in coming days.
Czech morning news in brief: Top stories for Dec. 10, 2020
Govt. extends state of emergency, big fines for businesses violating COVID restrictions, first child dies from COVID, Slovakia locks down again.
Czech government approves state of emergency extension
After hours of debate, the communists join with the minority government to push through the vote.
State of emergency: Hamáček calls opposition MPs 'hypocrites, irresponsible lunatics'
Deputy Prime Minister lashes out against lack of support for extension among MPs, parties lay out their demands, reasons for opposition.
'Alternative' PES system – opposition govt. unveils its new proposal
According to the current PES system, even at the lowest level, a state of emergency is required, the opposition looks to change that.
Czech Republic coronavirus updates, Dec. 9: plans to extend the state of emergency, Prymula warns of peak after holidays
Czech government officials plan to request another extension of the state of emergency today.
Czech morning news in brief: Top stories for Dec. 9, 2020
Govt. to vote on state of emergency, MPs say they will take COVID vaccine, no decision on ski resorts yet, Czech Roma should be integrated, LGBT protected.
Forget shopping in Germany – Bavaria off limits to those coming from Czech Republic
Starting Wednesday, the German government is tightening COVID-19 measures regarding cross-border traffic.
Czech Republic coronavirus updates, Dec. 8: restaurant opening hours reduced, no shopping in Germany
COVID death-toll passes 9,000, restaurants and pubs must close early, govt. plans to extend state of emergency.
Czech morning news in brief: Top stories for Dec. 8, 2020
Restaurants have new restrictions, free antigen tests for the public, oldest Czech passes away, 'Havel' film director wins top prize at ROME RIFF festival.
Blatny scolds citizens for socializing, puts new restrictions on restaurants, outdoor food stands
It's been only five days since the Czech government lifted restrictions on restaurants and bars – it didn't last long.
Thought you had the PES system figured out? Hold on to your hats – it's about to change
With the current push for more COVID-19 antigen tests, the recently unveiled PES system is taking new shape.
Police confirm: Blatny's hysteria over restriction violations unfounded
The Czech Health Minister claimed 'widespread violations' by bars and restaurants over the weekend, but police accounts say otherwise.
School, university openings a COVID 'time bomb' – experts warn
More high school and university students return to class today, but with the PES level going up, how long will they be allowed to stay?
Czech Republic coronavirus updates, Dec. 7: PES score rises, more students return to school
The Czech Republic's PES level increases to 64, may force stricter lockdown measures.
Czech morning news in brief: Top stories for Dec. 7, 2020
Blatny not happy people flocking to bars and restaurants, possible state of emergency extension, 1,000 protest in Prague against restrictions.
Czech government mulls full wage compensation for COVID-19 quarantined
Currently, those in quarantine collect 60% of their salaries; the change could encourage more people to undergo COVID-19 testing