Entering the Czech market as a foreign business is easier than you think
Expert advice on the most time-saving and efficient way to form a company in the Czech Republic - from Jake&James
WINNER: Best Curry Poll
The results are in! Find out who has won the title of Best Curry in Prague!
Vodafone Special Offer: 50% off for Turbo Internet
Join more than 50,000 customers of Turbo internet, now covering more than 50% of Czech Republic
Vodafone Christmas Tariff 2013
At Christmas, no one should be alone; competitive calls for families and data SIM card for a great price
Pilsner Urquell Turns 170
Náměstí Republiky in Plzeň saw an outstanding video mapping as well as beer from oak barrels
What do you know about your child’s progress?
Criteria to consider when choosing an international school
Accenture: Best Socially Beneficial Project
Skills to Succeed: building skills of young people from children's homes
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy 2012!
Please find here the Christmas holiday studio timetable for your club in English