Prague Is In the Running to Host a European Union Agency

Following Brexit two London EU offices will be seeking relocation; the Czech capital could possibly host one Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 02.08.2017 08:38:40 (updated on 02.08.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

Twenty-plus European cities are vying to become the new headquarters of the two institutions of the European Union that will leave London following Brexit. Among the candidates are Prague and Bratislava, reports The Guardian.

With the departure of Britain from the EU, both the European Medicines Agency and the European Banking Authority will be seeking a new address.

Nineteen cities are in the running to host the European Medicines Agency including Bratislava; eight cities are in the running to host the European Banking Authority, including Prague.

The European Banking Authority is an agency of the EU which acts as a regulator of the banking sector in the member countries of the Union.

Should the Czech Republic win its bid, offices are likely to be housed in a building currently under development by real estate group CPI Group in Pankrác; the building is scheduled for completion in 2019. 

Other criteria for the host city include the availability of adequate educational facilities for children of employees of the agencies. Access to jobs, social security, and health care for children and spouses of employees are also deciding factors. 

Czech commissioner Karel Dobeš spoke out in support of Prague’s candidacy, saying: “A big plus is the safety of Prague, Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. We also underscored that the people who work at GSA in Prague are very satisfied.”

A PR brochure was submitted to the European Council; the outcome of the competition will be announced in November.

To sweeten the deal, the Czech Republic is offering staff who work in the EBA free entry to 24 local museums for five years and unlimited access to Prague Zoo.

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