Number of foreigners living in Czechia falls for first time in over a decade
The number of foreigners residing in the Czech Republic remains over one million, but fell by nearly 50,000 in 2023 according to the Interior Ministry.
Czech life expectancy passes pre-Covid levels, hits 80 years for first time
Following a notable decline in 2020 and 2021, life expectancy in the Czech Republic has surpassed 2019 levels to reach 80 years for the very first time.
US census findings reveal that 1.4 million Americans claim Czech roots and identity
Texas, Illinois, and California stood out as the states where the majority of individuals laid claim to their Czech heritage.
Purrfect friends: Which are the 10 most popular cat breeds in Czechia?
Czechs have a soft spot for large breeds, statistics on the number of kittens bred in 2022 show.
New population-growth statistics show higher life expectancy for Czechia
By the end of this century, the average life expectancy for people in Czechia should be close to 90 years of age.
Czech apartment prices fall for the first time since 2013
Prices fell in all regions across the country, but the quarter-on-quarter drop in Prague was the lowest.
Profession and nationality affect how often people work in the office vs. at home
Europeans still go to the office more than Americans, but Czechs have found the 'happy medium,' according to a new report.
Czechs live longer than Slovaks – and have higher pensions
The two countries split 30 years ago and have taken slightly different social and economic paths.
Real wages in Czechia are falling faster than the EU average
Analysts say the drop, which is the highest among Visegrád Group countries, is only temporary.
Half of Czechs can't make ends meet due to rising prices
A survey shows that many people are having to dip into their savings or make significant spending cuts.
Number of foreigners living in the Czech Republic hits record high
The percentage of foreigners in the Czech Republic exceeded six percent for the first time in 2021, before the wave of refugees from Ukraine this year.
Benicio Del Toro and Geoffrey Rush headed to Karlovy Vary International Film Festival
Plus: Storm cuts power and downs trees, STAN to return gift from businessman, over half of new cases are Omicron subvariants.
'Diverse forms of cohabitation': Modern Czechia's new family dynamics
Data released for International Family Day shows social and economic developments over the past two decades have had a big impact on family structure.
Tell us: Are you satisfied with the quality and availability of childcare in Czechia?
Czechia's share of children under three receiving at least one hour of formal childcare per week is the lowest across all the EU, data suggests.
How does gun ownership in the Czech Republic compare to the rest of the world?
The Czech Republic leads in gun ownership among the Visegrad Four group but lags behind neighboring Germany and Austria.
'Mamánci' no more? Young Czechs leaving the nest earlier than EU average
Although the pandemic has forced many to live longer in their parents’ home, Czechs still leave the nest earlier than other EU nationalities.
Prague now ranks as the EU's third-richest region by GDP per capita in PPS
According to Eurostat, only Luxembourg and Ireland's Southern region boast a higher GDP per capita in PPS than the Czech capital
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