Kdo jinému jámu kopá, sám do ní padá
Czech Idioms, Part 4: Do you want to understand Czech better?
4 Kids: Šťastná země (Happy Land)
Expats.cz travels to the all-natural outdoor play area
The Cowards by Josef Škvorecký | War with the Newts by Karel Čapek
Book Review for July 2011
Zabít dvě mouchy jednou ranou
Czech Idioms, Part 3: Do you want to understand Czech better?
English Language Czech Books for Children
Children's Books that bring the Czech Republic to Life
Decrypting Ciphers
International conference Secret of Ciphers taking place at Prague College May 30 - June 2
King´s Parade brings a real kings tournament
King´s Parade will once again start in Prague and ride to Karlštejn
4 Kids: Obchodní Centrum Šestka
A free fun day at the shopping mall, with a new family center and toboggan slide...
Europeana by Patrik Ouředník | Gargling with Tar by Jáchym Topol
Book reviews for March 2011
One for the Weekend: Dresden Children's Museum
Expats.cz explores the secrets of the human body
4 Kids: St. Matthew´s Fair (Matějská pouť)
Expats.cz visits this annual fun fair and its new exhibit: Giganti - Animals of the Ice Age
Czech writers available in English
Expats.cz guide to Czech books translated into English