Prices for Prague’s Park and Ride lots increasing for the first time in a decade

A new zone system is being introduced, with prices ranging from free to CZK 100 per day.

Raymond Johnston

Written by Raymond Johnston Published on 22.07.2021 13:47:00 (updated on 22.07.2021) Reading time: 3 minutes

Changes are coming to Prague’s Park and Ride lots on Aug. 1, with prices increasing in most of the city’s 20 lots.

In guarded parking lots far from the center, drivers will pay CZK 50 per car per day, closer to the center it will be CZK 100. Unguarded lots with a limited parking time of 12 hours will remain free. The increase coincides with already announced fare increases for public transit. This is the first increase in P+R lot prices in a decade.

The city currently has a total of 20 parking lots in the P+R system, which are used in the outskirts of Prague to store a car when the driver or passengers switch to public transport. They are intended to both make it more convenient for commuters, as parking in the city center is extremely limited, and also reduce the amount of traffic in the center, where narrow streets can get congested.

The Technical Road Administration (TSK) will now divide these lots into three zones, based on their location in relation to the center and accessibility by public transport. Zone 0 will designate unguarded lots with with a limited parking time of a maximum of 12 hours. These will be free from the middle of the holidays. For example, these include parking lots in Běchovice, Kotlářka, and Troja.

Zone 1 will include secure parking more distant from the center. Drivers there will pay CZK 50 per day. These include the large-capacity car parks in Letňany and Chodov for more than 600 cars and seven other smaller ones.

Zone 2 includes the P+R lot in Holešovice, near the Congress Center, at Ládví, and Skalka No. 1, which are guarded car parks closer to the center and with a direct transfer to public transport.

"Every year, we invest approximately CZK 40 million in the management of new parking lots, we expand their network, we ensure the quality of facilities and surroundings, and we also focus on the implementation of new technologies. We believe that commuters have noticed the expanded offers and will have an understanding for changing prices,” TSK spokeswoman Barbora Lišková said.

“As in the case of changes in the public transport tariff, in this case the funds will be used primarily to maintain the quality and availability of parking lots and connections to public transport,” she added.

Since June 2011, when the last price increase for P+R parking in Prague took place, rising from from CZK 10 to CZK 20, the capacity has increased by more than 1,500 places and more will be added. The one exception to the CZK 20 price was the lot at the Congress Center, which was CZK 90 per day.

New car parks will appear in the coming years, for example in Hostivař, Čakovice, and Podbaba. The most significant investment will be a new P+R car park in Černý Most for 800 cars, where the costs will climb to over CZK 500 million crowns. The losses due to Covid in 2020 for the P+R system reached CZK 13 million, according to TSK.

P+R lot location, capacity, zone

  • Běchovice, 98 zone 0
  • Běchovice střed, 64, zone 0
  • Braník, 115. zone 0
  • Kotlářka,186, zone 0
  • Nové Butovice, 59, zone 0
  • Skalka 2, 78, zone 0
  • Troja, 276, zone 0
  • Černý Most 2, 138, zone 1
  • Depo Hostivař, 178, zone 1
  • Chodov, 692, zone 1
  • Letňany, 679, zone 1
  • Opatov, 212, zone 1
  • Radotín, 58, zone 1
  • Rajská zahrada, 91, zone 1
  • Zličín 1, 88, zone 1
  • Zličín 2, 66, zone 1
  • Holešovice, 77, zone 2
  • Congress Center (KCP), 260, zone 2
  • Ládví, 85, zone 2
  • Skalka 1, 110, zone 2

Source; TSK

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