Space Czechia launches largest satellite into space
Czechia launched its largest satellite, SATurnin-1, into orbit Tuesday via SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket. Designed by the Aerospace Research and Test Establishment for the Defence Ministry, the 14-kg satellite features a high-resolution telescope capable of capturing up to 100 images daily. Independent of foreign technology, SATurnin-1 aims to enhance national security and reduce reliance on commercial satellite data.
society Poll: Ukrainian refugees integrate well
A CVVM poll reveals that 51 percent of Czechs believe Ukrainian refugees integrate successfully, though fewer think so compared to last summer. However, 60 percent feel Czechia has taken in more refugees than it can handle. Nationally, 56 percent view Ukrainian refugees as a problem, but only 30 percent consider them problematic locally. Interest in the refugee situation has declined, with 29 percent following developments last autumn.
politics ANO leads December Czech parliamentary polls
In December’s parliamentary election forecast by the Median agency, the ANO party led with 33.5 percent support. The STAN movement followed at 13 percent, ahead of the ODS at 11.5 percent. Six parties and movements, including Pirates and Communists, would enter the Chamber of Deputies. The opposition SPD fell below the 5 percent threshold. Voter participation slightly decreased to 61 percent, compared to 65.43 percent in 2021.
Culture 'Waves' tops Czech cinemas in 2024 attendance
The Czech drama Waves, directed by Jiří Mádl, was 2024's most-attended film in Czech cinemas, with 885,767 viewers since its August premiere. Depicting journalists during the 1968 invasion, it earned CZK 144.5 million. The Oscar-shortlisted film also leads the Czech Lion nominations with 14. The American animated sequel In the Head 2 ranked second, drawing 883,152 viewers but leading in revenue with CZK 156.4 million.
Food Czechia proposes ban on plant-based food names
A proposal by the Czech Ministry of Agriculture to amend food regulations would remove names like "soy sausage," "vegetarian burger," and "cabbage patty" from stores and menus. The ministry argues that such terms may confuse consumers, aligning with EU regulations. Critics, including plant-based food supporters, call the move bureaucratic and harmful to Czech producers' competitiveness, warning of higher consumer prices. The amendment could take effect in July.
Economy KHNP, Westinghouse settle IP dispute
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) and its parent company, KEPCO, have resolved a long-standing intellectual property dispute with U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Company. The settlement, announced today, will allow KHNP to proceed with its planned nuclear reactors in the Czech Republic. Czech Minister Lukáš Vlček welcomed the deal, which also strengthens cooperation between the companies in the global nuclear market.
Indstury Budvar brews record 1.9 million hectoliters
Budweiser Budvar brewery set a production record in 2024, brewing 1.927 million hectoliters of beer, a 3.3 percent increase from the previous year. Exports rose by 4 percent, with the company expanding its presence in over 70 countries. Domestic sales grew by 1.7 percent percent Director Petr Dvořák attributed the growth to a successful long-term strategy, including partnerships with Czech microbreweries.
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