Charlatan wins Czech Lion award for best film of 2020

Agnieszka Holland's film was named the best Czech film of 2020 at the Czech Lions yesterday, also winning awards for Best Director and Best Actor


Written by ČTK Published on 07.03.2021 09:52:00 (updated on 07.03.2021) Reading time: 2 minutes

Charlatan has been chosen by the jury of the Czech Film and Television Academy for the award of the Czech Lion as the best feature film of 2020.

Its director, Agnieszka Holland also won the Czech Lion award for Best Director.

The award for the Best Documentary was given to the film Caught in the Net, which deals with child sexual harassment online.

The Czech Lion for Best Screenplay went to Ivan Arsenjev for Shadow Country.

Czech Lions for Best Cinematography (Martin Štrba) and Best Editing (Jan Daňhel) went to Shadow Country, for Best Costume Design (Zuzana Bambušek-Krejzková), Best Stage Design (Martin Kurel), and Best Makeup (Adriana Bartošová and René Stejska) to Havel, and Best Music Jakub Kudláč) and Best Sound (Radim Hladik) to Charlatan.

Ivan Trojan was named Best Actor for his performance in the film Charlatan. Trojan already has seven Czech Lions for acting.

The award for the Best Actress was given to Magdaléna Borová for Shadow Country, and Best Supporting Actress Petra Špalková won for her role in the same film.

The Czech Lion for the best supporting actor was given to Jiří Mádl for his role in the film Droneman.

This year, the award ceremony was held under lockdown measures, with almost no audience. There were only about 200 people, primarily those nominated and those awarding the prizes.

Everyone involved in the ceremony had to take a COVID-19 test. A few of the visitors tested positive and were not let in.

The award for the best television series was given to the creators of the series Traitors, which dealt with the police fight against the drug underworld, based on true stories.

The award for the best drama TV series went to Actor, which is about an uneasy acting career in the 1950s.

The award for the best television film director went to Peter Bebjak for Herec.

This year, the award for the best animated film was given for the first time. It went to director and producer Jan Balej for his film Coloured Dream.

Adam Martinec won the award for the best student film for Anatomy of Czech Afternoon. For his film, Martinec also received a Czech Lion for the best short film, awarded for the first time this year.

Film director Hynek Bočan was presented with a Czech Lion for his lifetime contribution to cinematography.

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