Artists to Submit New Designs for Prague’s Metro D

After a successful petition, a design competition will be held for the appearance of some of the stations on Prague’s new metro line

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 18.10.2016 16:14:13 (updated on 18.10.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

Earlier this year, we wrote about Prague’s new Metro D line, which is still on schedule to arrive by 2022. 

But there has been some controversy about the architectural designs for the new stations, which have been completed by Metroprojekt, the company perhaps most famous for failing to include an escalator at the Nádraží Veleslavín station.

Because existing designs by Metroprojekt were deemed “obsolete,” an online petition circulated through Facebook and was signed by thousands of people. The goal was to open up the design of the new stations to an architectural competition. 

Earlier today, Česká televize reported that the petition has been successful. Partially, at least.

A design competition is set to be launched next year, but for two of the stations on the new line, at Náměstí Bratří Synků and Náměstí Míru.

City planners have already applied for permits for the remaining eight stations on the line from Pankrác to Písnice, and don’t want to risk further delaying the project.

The competition will only open up the design to the appearance of the stations, meaning surface materials and lighting. Prague’s public transport company DPP and the Institute of Planning and Development will determine exactly what design elements can be altered.

“Ideally, there will be one winner who will creatively connect all stations with unifying elements,” said Deputy Mayor Petr Dolínek.

Last month, new designs for the metro stations from second-year student’s at Prague’s technical university ČVUT were posted on the Facebook page of Metro D atelier Rothbauer.


Olbrachtova | Image: Veronika Hušková (via Facebook / Metro D atelier Rothbauer)
Olbrachtova | Image: Veronika Hušková (via Facebook / Metro D atelier Rothbauer)

Pankrác | Image: Daniel Mochnacký (via Facebook / Metro D atelier Rothbauer)
Pankrác | Image: Daniel Mochnacký (via Facebook / Metro D atelier Rothbauer)

Nemocnice Krč | Image: Pavlínka Kejdanová (via Facebook / Metro D atelier Rothbauer)
Nemocnice Krč | Image: Pavlínka Kejdanová (via Facebook / Metro D atelier Rothbauer)

For comparison, you can see the current designs from Metroprojekt at their New Metro website.

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