Cosmetic surgery is no longer taboo in the Czech Republic
More women (and men) are turning to the experts for a touch-up, according to the Institute of Clinical and Aesthetic Medicine Asklepion.
Czech Court: Surgery still needed for gender transitioning
The Czech Republic is one of the last European countries to require surgery before allowing a trans person to officially change gender.
Prostate cancer drug developed by Czech scientist approved in U.S.
The innovative drug could be a model for other types a cancer therapies, according to nuclear chemist Martina Benešová.
New survey reveals where, when, and why Czechs drink
A new survey finds Czechs prefer beer and wine to hard liquor, and drink the most on holidays and foreign vacations.
How did Czechia become the meth capital of Europe?
Analysis of wastewater samples has laid bare the Czech Republic’s huge problem with methamphetamine use.
How Concierge Medicine is transforming healthcare in Czechia and around the world
Dr. Jana Yanova, Co-Founder and Medical Director at Concierge Medicine Europe, talks about how traditional Czech healthcare is failing patients.
Prague pediatrician talks vaccines, screen burnout, and kids' mental health
Dr. Magdalena Kreimová Head of the Pediatrics Outpatient Clinic at My Clinic on the challenges and rewards of caring for kids in the Czech Republic
Expats and addiction: Getting sober in the beer capital of the world
Seeking treatment for substance abuse in Czechia can be tricky – but English-speaking help is here.
Czech Republic lags behind neighbors for “sexual wellness” according to new study
The Czech Republic falls behind other European countries when it comes to sex positivity although America leads the way.
Inflation serving up price hikes at tennis courts and indoor pools across Prague
Steep rises in the costs of operating mean swimming pools and other large sports venues are about to get more expensive.
Czech air quality in 2021 was among the best in 10 years
Covid restrictions and better weather led to a drop in concentrations of some pollutants.
Sweeping changes to Czech health insurance: here’s what you need to know
The biggest amendment to the Public Health Insurance Act for fifteen years includes some important changes.
Can nuclear power fix the Czech Republic’s dirty air problem?
The EU wants to give a green light to nuclear investments, in a move causing celebration in the Czech Republic.
The Czech Republic has the third highest obesity rate in Europe
New data shows that nearly 70 percent of Czech men are overweight while six out of ten Czechs are overweight, and one in five is obese.
FAQ: Egg donation and in vitro fertilization in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is at the forefront of fertility field and remains an affordable destination for couples looking to conceive.
Prague sports venues now open for free through December
During the Week of Free Sports, dozens of gyms, pools, skating rinks, and other sports centers are open for free in the Czech capital.
Visit the Karlovy Vary spa whose mineral cure was a favorite of Václav Havel
A Karlovy Vary spa and medical wellness hotel Prezident derive its name from its most famous guest.