Christmas tree for Prague's Old Town Square cut down near Liberec
The Christmas tree for Old Town Square's Christmas market was cut down this morning, and will soon be on its way to Prague.
Czech Republic falls to fourth-worst in EU in English proficiency
Only France, Italy, and Spain have lower levels of English than the Czech Republic, according to the 2021 English Proficiency Index
Czech scientists become the first in world to see inside an atom
A milestone breakthrough in subatomic research has been reported by an extensive team of Czech researchers in the journal Science.
Prague Zoo to receive critically-endangered pangolins from Taiwan
Two critically-endangered Chinese pangolins are headed to Prague Zoo in March, a female and male couple from Taipei Zoo.
Prague 3 launches network of free-to-use public toilets
Restaurants, cultural venues, and other locales in Prague 3 have joined a neighborhood project to provide some much-needed relief to pedestrians.
Prague reveals new visualizations for cable car over the Vltava river
A cable car stretching from Prague 6 to Prague 8 has taken a step closer to becoming a reality with the launch of a public contract for a designer.
Prague Zoo's animals enjoy a seasonal pumpkin feast for Halloween
A variety of species at Prague Zoo had the chance to try out a seasonal feast of pumpkins in the days leading up to Halloween.
Aurora borealis may be visible from the Czech Republic tonight
Conditions are right for the Northern Lights to be visible from areas of the Czech Republic with low light pollution on Saturday night.
Czech Republic to return items lost by American soldier 76 years after WWII
Items lost by a U.S. soldier during the liberation of Czechoslovakia in 1945 were recently discovered by a Czech history buff near Mariánské Lázně.
Czech hop growers and breweries predict record harvest for 2021
Favorable weather conditions have helped produce what growers estimate will be a record harvest in terms of both quantity and quality.
Donor bequeaths Prague Zoo nearly 17 million crowns in will
Zoo director Miroslav Bobek has revealed more details about the unusually large donation received by Prague Zoo earlier this month.
Prague 1 drafts ban on drinking alcohol in public spaces at night
The new ban targets the consumption of alcohol in public areas between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. in Prague's city center.
Prague's Botanical Garden celebrates Halloween with ghosts, pumpkins, and more
Halloween decor including ghosts, scarecrows, and a 175-kilogram pumpkin highlight seasonal ambience at the outdoor Prague locale
Christmas markets will return to Prague for 2021 holiday season
After a year without Christmas markets due to Covid-19 regulations, they'll be back in 2021, organizers have announced.
Communist party ousted from parliament for first time in Czech Republic's history
The Communist Party has failed to cross the five-percent threshold to secure a seat in the Czech lower house, three years after falling out of the Senate.
Opposition coalition tops incumbent ANO in 2021 Czech legislative election
Only four parties have crossed the five-percent threshold to enter the Czech lower house, with SPOLU edging ANO in the lead.
Low-value packages from outside the EU no longer exempt from Czech import taxes
As of October 2021, import VAT must now be paid on all shipments from outside the EU, including items less than €22 (about 560 crowns).