Czech parliament passes landmark ruling to redefine rape
Czechia is set to shift to the 'no means no' principle of rape, which includes disapproval of intercourse based on gestures, crying, and other aspects.
Suspended sentence for man who raped minor sparks public outrage in Czechia
Victims-rights organizations are planning a protest to highlight the failure of the judicial system to deliver justice to victims of sexual violence.
First center dedicated to sexual violence victims opens in Prague
In Czechia, 54 percent of women have experienced sexual harassment or sexual violence, according to a recent survey conducted on 5,000 women.
Attacks on Czech LGBTQ+ community rise amid calls to boost legal protection
Multiple non-governmental organizations are calling on the country to adopt stricter laws that would better protect the LGBTQ+ community.
Former Czech MP gets three-year jail term for multiple charges of rape
After a two-year court investigation, the ruling judge found that the defendants presented a true and factual account of the events that happened.
New data shows domestic and sexual violence rising in Czechia
Although a disconcerting trend, this may be a reflection of more victims coming forward and improved police competence in dealing with cases.
Czech Senate committee rejects ratification of Istanbul Convention
Opponents slammed the treaty for being 'an ideological document' offering no practical help for victims of domestic violence.
Czech police chief issues apology for undermining rape victims
Martin Vondrášek clarified that he did not intend to downplay or trivialize the seriousness of sexual violence following contentious comments this week.