Thirty-three years after the Velvet Revolution, how has student life changed?
Students were behind the mass protests that began on Nov. 17, 1989. Today's generation enjoys more freedom, but must be wary of similar dangers.
Under pressure: Czech elementary school teachers at risk of burnout
A worrying combination of teacher shortages, stagnating pay, and increasing classroom sizes is putting a strain on Czechia's elementary school teachers.
Over 90 percent of Czech students work alongside their studies
A high cost of living has made work a necessary element of many Czech students' university lives – often to the detriment of their learning.
Which nation do Czechs like the most – and least – worldwide?
A recent study finds that Slovakia is viewed the most favorably worldwide by Czechs, with other surprising results included.
VIDEO OF THE WEEK: Take a trip down memory lane to Prague in 1993
A video from MTV captures colorful Prague and its kooky music scene almost three decades ago.
Czechia honors fallen World War I soldiers on Veterans' Day
Prime ministers of Czechia and Slovakia laid wreaths in Prague to commemorate World War I victims.
Czechia is 'most challenging' country in Europe to navigate linguistically
The poor English-language proficiency of the locals is one of the reasons why native English speakers have a hard time in the Czech Republic.
Czechia and Slovakia at loggerheads over border controls
The prime ministers of both countries will meet this evening to discuss the future of Czech-Slovak border controls currently in place.
Medicine shortages and lengthy waitlists: Does Czechia have a healthcare problem?
Pharmacies around the country report a lack of drugs while too few doctors have to care for too many patients.
Sex offender registry closer to reality in Czechia
In addition to a registry listing all child sex offenders, lawmakers want to increase requirements for working with minors.
EXPAT VOICES: Mushroom picking, lots of beer, and slippers at home – you reveal your new Czech habits
We asked you which Czech habits you have adopted since moving here, and got a variety of answers!
Crackdown alert: Czech transport companies to target fare dodgers in November
In a bid to increase revenue, public transport companies across Czechia ramp up ticket checks in November to stop "black passengers."
Election 2023: Pavel holds onto slim lead with Nerudová fast closing the gap
A new opinion poll sees a small decline in the popularity of Petr Pavel and Andrej Babiš and a surge in popularity for Danuše Nerudová.
Cold snap in Czechia expected after record-warm October temperatures
Though the October warmth has been pleasant, people in the country can now expect a colder chill throughout the month.
Czechia's electricity prices see greatest rise in EU: Can airdrying and handwashing help?
Czech electricity prices rose at the sharpest rate across the EU in early 2022; a new govt. website aims to help consumers amid the energy crisis.
Exploring the Czech Twitterverse: Who's who on this growing social platform?
As Elon Musk takes over Twitter we look at the platform's rising popularity in Czechia and the way it is used.
Mass anti-government protest takes place in Prague
Tens of thousands of people flood Wenceslas Square and call for the immediate resignation of the government.