Best things to do in Prague in February 2022: Valentine's Day edition

This month Prague celebrates Valentine's day, Masopust, and Chinese New Year, and the opening of a large-scale exhibit devoted to Czech animation. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 01.02.2022 17:00:00 (updated on 22.02.2022) Reading time: 5 minutes

February brings Valentine's Day, the start of the Year of the Dragon, and Masopust, the Czech carnival season. Our monthly roundup of events for Prague in February 2022 features Romeo and Juliet on the stage and screen, Chinese New Year's brunch, and Shrovetide festivities.

Please observe precautions when setting out to socialize and always confirm an event hasn't been canceled by checking a venue's website in advance. All events were confirmed at the time of publication.


Explore the rich history of Czech animation in Světy české animace (Worlds of Czech Animation) from Feb. 3 in Hall 17 of Pražská tržnice (Prague Market Holešovice). It covers figures from the past like Karel Zeman and Jiří Trnka, recently retired Jan Švankmajer, and animators on the contemporary scene. Read more here and here.

World of Animation
Worlds of Czech Animation opens from Feb. 3 at Prague Market Holešovice.

To celebrate the 226th Anniversary of the founding of the Society of Patriotic Friends of the Arts, the National Gallery has free admission Feb. 5–6, National Gallery to several (but not all) permanent exhibits and select temporary ones. Read more here and here.

The life work of Art Nouveau artist Alfons Mucha is explored with projections, dance, music, and acrobatics in iMucha from Feb. 16, Posters and epic canvases will come to life via amination. This is the world premiere of a show that is expected to tour throughout Europe and worldwide. Read more here and here.


A special menu for the Year of the Tiger is at Teplá kačka in Holešovice from Feb. 1–5. Šternberkova in front of the eatery will be decorated with lanterns all week. Reservations are required for the restaurant. Read more here.

On Feb. 5, Kafe Pragovka celebrates the Year of the Tiger with food, cocktails, a fire show, and traditional dancing in the evening. Read more here.

China celebrated the start of a New Year yesterday / photo iStock @Gins Wang
China celebrated the start of a New Year yesterday / photo iStock @Gins Wang

On Feb. 14, Červený Jelen is offering a four-course Valentine's menu, in the elegant premises of a former bank vault. The number of places in the vault is limited to 30 and the menu is heavy on chili, seafood, saffron, and chocolate. Read more here.

Karlín Masopust on Feb. 26 will offer traditional Czech carnival goodies in addition to food and drink stalls from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. At 1 p.m. a carnival procession from Kaizlovy sady to Karlínské náměstí will take place, where another accompanying program will follow. Read more here. Read more here.


The Comedy Store presents British comics Dane Baptiste and Josh Jones, and Canadian Allyson June Smith plus local acts En.dru and Daniel Čech on Feb. 11. The show is in English. Read more here.

The music of Sergei Prokofiev and the 1962 choreography by John Cranko meet to tell the tale of Shakespeare's lovers, Romeo and Juliet, premiering Feb. 10 and 11 at the State Opera. This new production features the National Theatre's ballet ensemble with sets and costumes by Jürgen Rose. Additional performances throughout Feb. and June. Read more here.

National Theatre's new staging of the ballet Romeo and Juliet. Photo: National Theatre.
National Theatre's new staging of the ballet Romeo and Juliet. Photo: National Theatre.

Berg Orchestra and 420People collaborate on InspiraCe, a performance mixing minimalism, beatbox, dubstep, and contemporary dance. Feb. 13–14, Divadlo Archa. Read more here.

The international festival Cirkopolis presents modern dance, physical theater, and other current stage trends from Feb. 13–18 at Palác Akropolis, PONEC, NoD. Read more here.

Sasha Velour's drag show Smoke and Mirrors is described as a lip-synched autobiographical fantasy. Velour won the ninth season of "RuPaul's Drag Race." Feb. 25, Forum Karlín. Read more here.

The actual life stories of 12 women are showcased in Those Who Speak For Themselves, performed in English at Divadlo Archa, Feb. 26. The audience gets to decide the order of the stories and other aspects of the show. Read more here.


Metallica cover band called Garage Dayz plays heavy metal hits in Metallica S&M Tribute Show with Symphony Orchestra at Prague Congress Center on Feb. 13. The S&M stands for Symphony and Metallica. The show has been touring the world for 20 years. Read more here.

Hear popular film music from "Star Wars," "Beauty and the Beast," "Forrest Gump," "Up," "Love Actually" and many other hits in a special romantically themed program taking place Feb. 14 Rudolfinum. Read more here.

Prague's Rudolfinum via iStock / tichr
Prague's Rudolfinum and Jan Palach Square via iStock / tichr

Gala concert: Feb. 19, Obecni dum. Jelen tops the list of popular Czech acts performing at Galavečer na Draka. The evening will raise money Spolu an Draka (Together on the Dragon), a charity that supports children with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Read more here.

Danish band Efterklang, made of three childhood friends performing together for over two decades, is working on a new album. Feb. 19, MeetFactory. Read more here.

Family fun

Children's skating: Face painting, competitions, ice skating, street food, and a children's disco are part of Dětský den na kluzišti, children's day at Feb. 6, River Rink Karlín. Read more here.

Rides, haunted houses, games, and treats await you at Matějská pouť at Výstaviště Holešovice. (Update: opening postponed to March 5.) The funfair has a long history going back to a religious pilgrimage. Read more here.

Family skating at an outdoor rink via iStock / Imgorthand

A parade for Masopust, the Czech version of Mardi Gras, takes place Saturday, Feb. 26. The parade involves stops for drinking, but the fun is more family-oriented once people arrive at Kampa around 4 p.m. Read more here. Masopust is March 1, and there will likely be more events in other parts of Prague, though details have not yet been announced.


Prokofiev's music is paired with choreography from 1965 by Kenneth MacMillan for a performance of Romeo and Juliet by the Royal Ballet company that will be broadcast live from the Royal Opera House in London on Feb. 14 at Bio Oko. Read more here.

The 15th annual Eiga-Sai festival of Japanese film and culture offers eight films including comedies, documentaries, and animation from Feb. 21–27, Lucerna. Read more here and here.

Czech classic: Jiří Menzel's 1969 comedy Larks on a String (Skřivánci na niti) has been digitally restored and will play selected theaters from Feb. 24. The film, which began production during the Prague Spring, was critical of the communist regime and was banned until 1990.

The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival presents Prague Shorts, with films from all over the world in competitive and non-competitive categories. Taking place Feb. 28–March 6 at various venues. Read more here.

Misc. February fun

On Feb. 4, proceeds from Prague Thrift Store on World Cancer Day will go to Loono, a Czech cancer prevention organization. Read more here.

The pre-game action starts on Feb. 13 at 9:45 p.m. at Hard Rock Cafe, and the Super Bowl itself should begin about a half-hour after midnight. It will be shown on large screens throughout the venue. Special menu items will be available. Reservations can be made online.

Hard Rock Cafe hosts the Super Bowl
Hard Rock Cafe hosts the Super Bowl Feb. 13.

Tour the Fata Morgana greenhouse at the Botanical Garden on the night of Feb. 14, with a chance to sample some wine from the local vineyard. Adult couples only, reservations required. Tour is Czech, but the flowers look the same in any language. Read more here.

The eighth Innogy Winter Run on Feb. 19 in Prague's Ladronka has 8k and 4k options plus a children's route. Register online. Read more here.

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