Legible Prague: Czech capital wants your feedback on improved city navigation

New uniform street signs are popping up across Prague this fall, and the city is asking for input on how effective the new system is.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 23.09.2023 13:05:00 (updated on 25.09.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague is testing a new uniform navigation system across the city's streets, and is seeking feedback from residents on how user-friendly its new maps and signage are. The Czech capital is asking for your help ensure that no one ever gets lost in the jungle of the metropolis again.

The Legible Prague project is a new wayfinding system that includes uniform signs across the city's public transportation system as well as on its streets. It replaces outdated, inconsistent signage that dated back to the 1970s and 1980s.

The new system is design to be easily legible for everyone who may encounter it, from longtime Prague residents to those visiting the city for the very first time. Those who know Prague by heart, employees traveling to work, and tourists that don't speak a word of Czech will all encounter the same signs while traveling throughout the Czech capital.

The Legible Prague project includes elements intended to make navigating Prague easier for those with mobility, vision, hearing, or other impairments, parents with strollers, hikers with suitcases and backpacks, senior citizens, children, and everyone else.

The new public transport signage began to appear at Prague's metro, tram, and bus stations last year, and is still being rolled out across the metropolis the fall.

The first of the city's new Prague Walker pedestrian guide maps, large obelisks which highlight points of interest and give pedestrians an overview of areas within a short walking distance, was unveiled with the opening of the new HolKa pedestrian footbridge earlier this summer.

“Prague has a new, clear, and user-friendly citywide orientation and navigation system. I want everyone to be able to easily find information about their journey and not get lost unnecessarily. … Prague residents can look forward to elements with a modern look and new digital media and information,” Prague Deputy Mayor Adam Scheinherr, told media when presenting the Legible Prague system.

“The more transport options we offer in public transport, the clearer they must be. The key is clarity, good visibility, and up-to-date information. With quality design, Prague can finally compare with world metropolises such as New York or London.”

Because everyone has different requirements that the Legible Prague maps and signage seek to address, the city wants to know how they can best assist you. Whether you walk, drive, ride a bicycle, use public transport, or any combination of ways to get around Prague, the city wants to know what you think.

If you you're interested in giving your own feedback, you can sign up to be part of the research for Legible Prague through this Google form. Selected participants will be asked to give short interviews at locations featuring the new signs and maps.

Currently, the city is seeking respondents to participate interviews about the Prague Walker map by the new HolKa footbridge. Those selected will be asked to participate in a 30-minute interview at the location; in exchange for their feedback, they will rewarded with a gift package and the satisfaction of helping make Prague an easier city to navigate for everyone.

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