Czech President Miloš Zeman speaks with U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic Stephen B. King at the American Embassy in Prague last night. Photo via Twitter / Jiří Ovčáček
Prague, June 30 (CTK) – The slogan of the current U.S. protests, Black Lives Matter, is racist because all lives matter, President Miloš Zeman said at the U.S. embassy where he attended the celebrations of the U.S. Independence Day today.
Zeman criticized the opinion leaders of the protests. He said he did not need any new Big Brothers to tell him what values he should advocate.
He criticized the riots and burning of cars in the USA. Zeman said he took part in the event as an independent citizen and as a friend of the USA.
“From both of these roles, I say that the slogan Black Lives Matter is racist, since all lives matter,” he added.
Zeman said societies both in the Czech Republic and the USA were facing attacks on the independence of its citizens. “We cannot ignore this danger, we must face it,” he added.
Projev prezidenta republiky na recepci u příležitosti státního svátku Spojených států amerických, OVTV, rezidence velvyslance, Praha, úterý 30. června 2020:
Zeman said at the start of his speech that this time it would be slightly impolite and less warm than usual.
When criticizing the leaders and behavior of the U.S. protesters, he quoted the lyrics from the song Old Time Religion. “It was good for my father, it was good for our mother and it’s good enough for me,” he said.
Societies both in the Czech Republic and the USA need to preserve their freedom to create views and common sense. “The same is true of the so-called opinion leaders. I do not need any new Big Brothers, I do not need any new opinion leaders,” Zeman said.
U.S. Ambassador Stephen King said the USA was an ally and friend of the Czech Republic.
Pan prezident zavítal do rezidence velvyslance Spojených států amerických na recepci pořádanou u příležitosti Dne nezávislosti Spojených států amerických.
He said many victims had occurred, but now he felt that the worst was already gone and the process of reconstruction has started.
In the pandemic, the Czech Republic was united, acting fast, King said, adding that he could feel optimism in the air.
The celebrations were also attended by Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO), Deputy Prime Minister Karel Havlíček (for ANO), Senate chairman Miloš Vystrčil (ODS), Mayor of Prague Zdeněk Hřib (Pirates), Prague Archbishop Cardinal Dominik Duka and Chief of Staff Aleš Opata.