Czech morning news in brief: top stories for Jan. 29, 2021

Prague's Vltavská metro to get a new exit, protesters plan to block buildings in the capital today, and Czech govt. drops its first TikTok vid Staff

Written by Staff Published on 29.01.2021 09:47:00 (updated on 29.01.2021) Reading time: 3 minutes

PRAGUE: Vltavská Metro station to get new exit as part of Bubny-Zátory district

Prague is planning to build a second exit from the Vltavská C metro station. It will be created as part of the planned construction of the Bubny-Zátory district. The area around the current exit from the metro will also change. In the past, Prague removed some unsightly parts at the exit and repaired works of art. Now, together with the transit authority and the Gallery of the Capital City (GHMP), the city has created a temporary gallery under the open sky featuring large-format photographs by Kevin V. Ton. The current southern exit and its surroundings will also be built into the future surrounding buildings.

V oblasti dnešního nádraží Praha-Bubny a celé oblasti Bubny-Zátory počítáme s celkovou zástavbou. I proto plánujeme, že bude dostavěn výstup na druhé straně stanice Vltavská. 🚇 #prahavbudoucnu

Posted by on Thursday, 28 January 2021

EDUCATION: School leaving exams to be modified over COVID

Secondary school leaving exams will be modified again in the Czech Republic this year due to the coronavirus epidemic. The period for practical exams will be extended until the end of August, practical classes will also be possible during the summer holidays, Education Minister Robert Plaga told a press conference on Thursday. Vocational schools also require practical leaving exams. The state exams are scheduled from May 3 to May 7 and the school part will follow May 16. Written essays in Czech and foreign language will not be a part of this year's final exams. It is not yet clear when students will return to school.

PROTESTS: More anti-COVID restriction protests planned for Prague

The Chcípl PES initiative, which brings together entrepreneurs, primarily restaurant and pub owners, who do not agree with the government's anti-epidemic measures, is preparing a demonstration in Prague today. The group, which recently said it intends to form a political party, wants to block government buildings from 3 p.m. The details and locations of the protest will be published on its social networks an hour earlier. On Thursday, they called on their supporters to gather in the capital Friday. "It will simply be a protest, of course non-violent, within the law. We will block some government buildings," Jiří Janeček from the Malý Janek brewery, who in the past also served as an ODS deputy, told ČTK.


POLITICS: Former Czech president Klaus fined for public appearance without mask

Former president Vacláv Klaus was fined CZK 10,000 from the Prague Hygiene Station for a public appearance without a mask in October. Klaus filed an objection against the decision on Wednesday. Klaus arrived in front of the Municipal House on Oct. 28 to honor the memory of the founding of Czechoslovakia. He made a speech at the memorial plaque criticizing the government's measures against coronavirus. He did not wear a mask during the event. He also appeared without a mask to celebrate the anniversary of the events connected with Nov.17 on Národní třída. Klaus called his actions "a civil protest for general reasons aimed at protecting the rights of all citizens and protecting freedom against the suppression of civil liberties." 

Pic of the day

WEATHER: Snow set to hit parts of the Czech Republic

 It will snow again in the north and east of the Czech Republic on Friday, in some cases from five to ten centimeters of wet snow, which could break trees and cause power outages. Complications can also be expected in transport. The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) stated this on its website. It is warning new snow cover is valid from Friday morning to evening for the northern areas of the Ústí nad Labem, Liberec and Olomouc regions, the northeast of the Hradec Králové, Pardubice and Zlín regions and the entire Moravian-Silesian region. Meteorologists advise drivers to follow traffic information when traveling to these regions and to drive carefully. People are warned not to go to the mountains without winter equipment, including snow chains. 

SOCIAL: Czech government joins social media site TikTok

The Czech government now has an official account on the social media platform TikTok. Prime Minister Andrej Babis confirmed the news on Twitter. He said he "doesn't know what it is, but sometimes children show it to me at home." The short video platform has become a global sensation over the last 18 months. So far only one video has been posted introducing the Strakovka account. At the time of writing it has over 62,000 views.


Vítáme vás na oficiálním účtu Úřadu vlády České republiky 🇨🇿 @annasulc & @jakubgulab vás provedou prostory Strakovy akademie, kde sídlí vláda ČR!

♬ Pieces (Solo Piano Version) - Danilo Stankovic

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