VIDEO: Trigger warning! Discover a new way to shoot off steam at Prague's premiere shooting range

We joined users to try shooting a variety of guns at Prague Armory’s state-of-the-art facilities Staff

Written by Staff Published on 02.09.2020 15:24:19 (updated on 02.09.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Located in Prague 9 near Kolbenova metro station, Prague Armory’s packages are designed for beginners and take place under the direct supervision of an experienced instructor.

We recently tagged along with several Expat readers who went to try shooting a gun for the first time at Prague Armory’s state-of-the-art facilities.

Check out their experience in the video below:

Would you be up for handling firearms in a safe setting for recreational purposes?

“All of our packages are designed for beginners, so you will be shooting only under direct supervision of one of our experienced instructors, and we will be making sure that it’s going to be as smooth and safe as possible,” Prague Armory’s Matúš Štulajter told us.

“Also our armory offers a wide selection of different firearms from different eras, so you can always choose a gun which you would like to shoot.”

How did our guests find the experience?

“That was my first experience shooting a real gun with real bullets, in the real place and shooting range,” user Dmitri told us.

“Before I was shooting like airsoft, and paintball, but this is a completely different thing and it’s much more fun!”

You can book a session at Prague Armory through their official website.

And also follow Prague Armory on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates and offers.

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