Take our survey to help make Expats.cz better

Have you got 5-minutes to give us your feedback for a chance to win dinner on us? Take our reader survey now!

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 28.03.2022 14:32:00 (updated on 30.03.2022) Reading time: 1 minute

Hello, Expats.cz reader! To gain a better understanding of who we’re reaching and how we can improve our daily content and other services, we've put together a brief reader survey. The survey takes just 5 minutes to complete and participants can enter to win a meal at one of Prague's top eateries, on us. Your honest feedback will be used to help us continue to deliver relevant articles and better journalism. Thank you in advance, for sharing your valuable time and insights with our editorial team.

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