PIM Social Good

Marathon raises awareness for charitable causes

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 21.03.2010 17:20:39 (updated on 21.03.2010) Reading time: 3 minutes


Prague, March 19, 2010: In an effort to raise awareness in the Czech Republic of the need to support charitable causes, Prague International Marathon spol. s r.o. (“PIM“) is proud to announce that amongst its participants and sponsors for this year´s Hervis Prague Half Marathon, are a number of members from charitable and social groups. Participants include the Light for the World Charity (“Svetlo pro svet”), the Ministry of Social Affairs, Charles University with the project “Running with those that can´t”, as well as HELP, a campaign by the European Commission to raise awareness as to the dangers of smoking. Of particular interest is Francis Karanja, the famous blind runner from Kenya, along with his brother James, who will be running for the „Light for the World Charity“ as well as Veronika Hanušová, one of the women participating in the PIM Women´s Challenge who also supports the same charity. There will also be two relay teams running from the Ministry of Social Affairs whose employees have already started a collection amongst themselves to divide between „The Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation“ and the Czech Guide Dog

In addition, a group of students from the 3rd Faculty of Medicine at the Charles University will push the wheelchairs of 3 disabled children (about 30 students around 1 child) for the charity project, “Running with those that can´t“. Supporting the race will be a campaign from the European Commission entitled HELP, which will have a stand where people can go and have the level of carbon monoxide in their lungs measured and find out how much damage smoking has caused them. This particular campaign is running at all 27 EU member countries.

Furthermore, PIM, together with the Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation, continue a special project called “Adopt a tree“ where every runner has the opportunity to adopt their own tree and contribute to the improvement of the Czech landscape. Everybody who adopts a tree receives an original certificate by email and also a photo of the alley where the tree is planted.

On the interest this year in running for charities, Jiri Necasek, Marketing Director at PIM, commented:

“We are happy that such remarkable and inspirational people and charities can be represented during the Hervis Prague Half Marathon. Since the Czech Republic is still in the infant phases of developing its socially-conscious sector, we think there is no better way to promote charitable causes than using the platform of the PIM Running Circuit 2010 events. It is really positive that we are seeing a big increase in interest from year to year.“

Included amongst the list of other PIM-sponsored charities are the Czech Guide Dog School, Hendaver, o.s., CHECOMACOCO, Committee of Good Will – The Olga Havel Foundation, Nadace VIA, Tyfloservis, The Red Cross, Centrum Paraple, Light for the World, Clown Doctors, UNICEF, and the Czech Cystic Fibrosis Association.

With the huge increase in support of charitable causes that is being seen this year, it is expected that the Hervis Prague Half Marathon and the PIM Running Circuit 2010 will soon begin to make their mark in the worldwide tradition of running for charities.

Keep an eye on the website for ongoing information: www.praguemarathon.com.

And note the following dates for your diary:

Hervis Prague Half Marathon – Saturday, March 27th, 2010
Volkswagen Prague Marathon – Sunday, May 9th, 2010
TESCO Grand Prix Prague – Saturday, September 11th, 2010

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