Beer Gardens in Prague

The best places in Prague to enjoy a pint in the sun

Aaron Johns

Written by Aaron Johns Published on 27.06.2012 10:43:02 (updated on 27.06.2012) Reading time: 4 minutes

As summer heats up, there’s no better place in Prague to enjoy a cold one than at one of the city’s many beer gardens. Where to go? We take a look at some of the more popular destinations below:

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U Fleků Brewery and Restaurant – Křemencova 11, Prague 1 – Nové Město
Touristy, yes.  But, a great garden in the heart of Prague.

13º tmavý ležák (dark lager)

Food – Czech menu.

U Zeleného Stromu – Betlémské náměsti 6, Prague 1 – Staré Mésto
This tucked away courtyard make for a good resting point while exploring the narrow streets of Old Town.

Pilsner Urquell 12º
Velkopopovický Kozel tmavý (dark)
Master Special tmavé 18º

Food – Full Czech menu.


Kafárna na kus řeči – Bezručovy sady 1, Prague 2 – Vinohrady
This is a big garden with lots of seating in quiet park.

Zlatopramen 11º
Krušovice 10º
Krušovice černý (dark)

Food – Pizza and baked dishes with fresh home-made flat bread.

Park-café at Riegrovy sady – Riegrovy sady 28, Prague 2 – Vinohrady
Big, expat heavy, and great for a party.

Gambrinus 10º
Kozell 11º medium

Food– Typical beer snacks.

Kulový Blesk – Sokolská 13, Praghe 2 – Vinohrady
With beers from some of the top Czech brewers, this is the perfect garden for an after work drink with friends or colleagues.

10 rotating taps from small and regional breweries.

Food– Full Czech menu.

Restaurace Zvonařka – Šafaříkova 7, Prague 2 – Vinohrady
A bigger than expected garden with tons of seating and an out door grill.

Pilsner Urquell 12º
Gambrinus 10º
Velkopopovický Kozel 13º černé (dark)
Fénix (wheat beer flavored with orange peel and coriander)

Food – Wonderful and varied menu.


U Houdků – Bořivojova 110, Prague 3

Kozel 11º medium
Kozel 10º řezané
Kozel 10º černý (dark)
Gambrinus 10º světlé
Pilsner Urquell 12º světlé
Plus a range of bottled beer.

Food – Full and varied menu.

Parukářka – Sabinova 277/10, Prague 3 – Žižkov
I love this hut/beer garden on top of the hill in Žižkov, perfect for some late evening drinking.

Beer Gardens in Prague

Pilsner Urquell 12º
Kozel 11º

Food – Utopenec and Hermelín


Na Květnici restaurace – zahrádka – Na Květnici 700/1a, Prague 4 – Nusle
A proper beer garden out side of the center has a locals only feel, but don’t be put-off, all are welcome to enjoy the beautiful space.

Staropramen 10º on tank
Staropramen 11º
Staropramen černý (dark)
Staropramen lager unfiltered

Food – Full Czech menu.


Na Pekařce – Pod Pekařkou 224/46, Prague 4, Podolí
This restaurant and garden is under constructions, but should open this month.
They will be serving Staropramen from tanks.

Baretta Pizza & Pasta – Bělehradská 4, Prague 4 – Nusle
Not only a large hidden garden in the back, but maybe the best pizza in Prague.

Bernard 10º světlé
Bernard 11º polotmavé
Pilsner Urquell 12º

Food – Pizza and pasta.

Žluté Lázně – Podolské nábřeží 3/1184, Prague 4 – Podolí
A bustling river-front park, perfect for sunny days.

Gambrinus 10º světlé
Gambrinus 11º Excellent
Kozel 10º černý (dark)
Pilsner Urquell 12º

Food – A range of restaurants, cafes, and food stands are available.

Zlý časy – Čestmírova 5, Prague 4 – Nusle
The Prague beer scenes trend setter, you will always find a beer you love at Zlý časy.

Over 20 taps pouring very well kept beer from small and regional breweries.
This pub is currently expanding and looks great.

Food – Fair priced Czech menu.

Hospůdka na Hradbách (Vyšehrad) – V Pevnosti 16/2, Prague 4 – Vyšehrad
Big open space for kids, dogs, and fun.

Pilsner Urquell 12º
Kozel 10º

Food– Walk up garden grill.


Anděl Plzeňský Restaurant – Nádražní 114, Prague 5 – Smíchov
Pilner Urquell from a tank, enjoyed under the trees at a picnic table, perfection.

Pilsner Urquell 12º from tanks

Food– Full Czech menu.

Zahradní Restaurace Klamovka – Park Klamovka, Podbělohorská 2051, Prague 5 – Košíře
Quite garden in this leafy neighborhood.

Staropramen 10º
Staropramen 11º unfiltered
Pilsner Urquell 12º
Braník Ležák (lager) 11º

Food– Czech menu.


Dívčí skok
This is the place to go if you want to escape the city but don’t want to travel too far. The area of Divoká Šarka provides a lot of opportunities for walking and even swimming.

Svijany 11º

Food– Full Czech menu


Letenské sady – Letná park, Prague 7 – Letná
This beer garden offers some the best views in Prague.

Gambrinus 10º světlé

Food – Simple snacks and klobása.


HAMR Sport Center – Záběhlická, Prague 10
Big wooden beer garden with a nice view over the pond next to a Sport Center.

Beer Gardens in Prague

Pilsner Urquell
NEW – Svatojánské

Food– Cantine-like food

So where do you go beer gardening in Prague? Let us know your favorite drinking spots and help us grow this list!

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