45 properties

Office for rent, 394m2

Kolbenova, Praha 9 - Vysočany

128 050 CZK / month

Office for rent, 197m2

Kolbenova, Praha 9 - Vysočany

64 025 CZK / month

Retail space for rent, 145m2

Veltruská, Praha 9 - Prosek

60 000 CZK / month, excluding agency fees

Retail space for rent, 205m2

Strnadových, Praha 9 - Vysočany

3 280 EUR / month

Retail space for rent, 167m2

Sokolovská, Praha 9 - Libeň

50 106 CZK / month

Other commercial property for rent, 35m2

Odkolkova, Praha 9 - Vysočany

15 000 CZK / month, with agency fees, with legal services

Restaurant for rent, 10m2

Praha 9 - Libeň

17 000 CZK / month, excluding agency fees

Office for rent, 50m2

Svépravická, Praha 9 - Hloubětín

15 000 CZK / month

Office for rent, 78m2

Nademlejnská, Praha 9 - Hloubětín

19 375 CZK / month

Office for rent, 18m2

Nademlejnská, Praha 9 - Hloubětín

4 500 CZK / month

Office for rent, 96m2

Nademlejnská, Praha 9 - Hloubětín

23 875 CZK / month

Restaurant for rent, 145m2

Praha 9 - Prosek

60 000 CZK / month, excluding agency fees

Retail space for rent, 101m2

Poděbradská, Praha 9 - Hloubětín

40 400 CZK / month

Retail space for rent, 202m2

Hindlova, Praha 9 - Vysočany

Price not provided

Retail space for rent, 117m2

Hindlova, Praha 9 - Vysočany

Price not provided