The Daily Dozen: 12 things to know about Czechia today

Art education in Czech schools could change, police checks train stations, and more buzzworthy headlines for March 21, 2023. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 21.03.2023 15:53:00 (updated on 21.03.2023) Reading time: 3 minutes

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international relations

Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus|The Czech Foreign Ministry on Wednesday will discuss a proposed amendment that would prevent visas from being issued to Russians and Belarusians who also have another state citizenship. The coalition cabinet halted issuing visas for Russian nationals last February, and shortly thereafter Belarusian citizens, except in humanitarian cases. Read more in our article.


Energy crisis| The worst part of the energy crisis "is behind us," thanks to the fact that the market stabilized faster than expected, Pavel Cyrani, deputy chairman of the board of directors of the ČEZ energy group, said at a press conference. He also announced that energy prices on the market will continue to drop.


Boating season|Some new rules will apply this boating season in Czechia. As of March 1, some boaters have been able to consume small amounts of alcohol in waterways with limited traffic. The new rules apply to vessels that do not have engines, such as canoes, kayaks, and rafts. People guiding the boats can now have up to 0.5 per mille (0.05 percent) blood alcohol content. Read more in our article.


Art education|Proposals for a new education curriculum for 2024 have come under criticism for their approach to art and music education, according to Seznam Zprávy. The two would no longer be core subjects and instead be combined with additional disciplines, such as drama, film, and dance education to form a complex cultural course, and each school will decide on its own how to approach it.

Czech Police

Train checks|The Czech Police announced on Twitter that, starting March 20, it will carry out checks on trains and at train stations with high passenger numbers. The inspections are part of the weeklong and EU-wide 24-BLUE police action focusing on trains, train stations, and railways. Last year's edition of this event uncovered 190 misdemeanors and eight crimes and led to the apprehension of 14 wanted people.


  • Life expectancy at birth in the Czech Republic last year went up by two years to 76.1 for men.
  • It also went up by roughly 1.5 years to 82 for women.
  • In 2022, there were 120,207 deaths and 99,800 births recorded in Czechia
  • Still, the population increased by 16,700 due to positive net migration and reached 10.53 million people.
  • Read more in our article


Czech tennis legend|Martina Navrátilová has announced that she has been cured after having been diagnosed with both throat and breast cancer. The 66-year-old publicly announced in early January this year that she was diagnosed with cancer. Both the throat and breast cancer were stage one, a phase during which the tumors are relatively small, yet still malignant. 

Martina Navrátilová at Wimbledon / photo via Facebook, Wimbledon
Martina Navrátilová at Wimbledon / photo via Facebook, Wimbledon


Domestic violence|An exhibition in protest of violence against women opened in the Czech Chamber of Deputies Monday, presenting victims of gender-related violence through their clothes. The initiative originates from an artistic installation coming from Israel, which has been on display in various cities across the world and is gradually adding new exhibits.

just for fun

Home repairs|A Czech Instagram account gained more than 100K followers with its photos of home renovations and repairs that beggar belief. Its creator, architect Lukáš Janout said that he created the Delniq Instagram account to highlight the problem of "unskilled craftsmen outside the field who think it's a simple job." Read more in our article.

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