Prague is among Europe’s top 10 richest regions

GDP per capita in the Czech capital is seventh-highest across Europe; London tops the list of richest regions in the EU

Jason Pirodsky

Written by Jason Pirodsky Published on 07.03.2019 08:00:09 (updated on 07.03.2019) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague is the seventh-richest region in the EU, according to new Eurostat data that ranks European regions by GDP per capita, a measure of goods and services produced in a region per each inhabitant.

GDP per capita in the Czech capital was calculated to be at 187% of the EU-wide average, according to the Eurostat data.

The ranking represents a slight increase over data from previous years. In 2015, Prague was listed as the 9th richest region in the European Union.

Regions topping the 2019 list of richest in the EU were familiar locations, with the UK’s Inner London topping the list at a whopping 626% of the EU average GDP.

The UK capital was followed by Luxembourg (253%), Southern Ireland (220%), Hamburg (202%) and Brussels (196%) to round out the top 5.

Prague topped Bratislava in this year’s rankings, while in the past the city came in behind the Slovak capital.

The World Bank ranked the Czech Republic 34th in the world in GDP per capita in 2017, at an estimated $36,916 (about 840,000 crowns).


No Czech city ranked among the top 20 poorest regions in the EU according to the latest Eurostat data.

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