Prague extends substantial transport discount for low-income passengers and refugees

The 70-percent discount passes have been prolonged due to the high number of people in financial need.

Thomas Smith

Written by Thomas Smith Published on 20.06.2023 10:52:00 (updated on 20.06.2023) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague City Council has announced that it will extend the capital’s discounted public transport pass for low-income people and Ukrainian refugees. The discounted price is CZK 165 for a monthly coupon, compared to the usual CZK 550, and CZK 444 for a quarterly coupon that normally costs CZK 1,480.

A one-year extension

For socially disadvantaged people, the discount applies until June 2024, whereas for Ukrainian refugees the special price will be valid until the end of September. Prague Deputy Mayor for Transport Zdeněk Hřib said that the shorter extension for refugees in financial need is due to the fact that they will be eligible for a discount pass that expires in June 2024.

Over 130,000 claimants

The discounted tickets for both Ukrainian refugees and socially disadvantaged Czechs were due to expire at the end of 2022 but had been extended by six months due to high demand.

"Our duty is to protect Prague citizens in material need, who are most affected by the current high cost of living. That is why we have decided to extend the 70-percent discount on public transport fares until June next year unless the current economic situation changes fundamentally"

Prague Deputy Mayor for Transport Zdeněk Hřib

The discount for those in need started in August 2021 to mitigate the financial impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, and Prague extended it to refugees from Ukraine on June 12, 2022. DPP sold about 85,390 discounted monthly coupons and 54,000 quarterly coupons in 2022, at a value of CZK 28 million.

Those who receive a so-called subsistence allowance (unemployment and/or other similar welfare benefits) from the state may apply for the discount pass. Proof must be obtained from the Czech Labor Office, and the discount passes are issued only at Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) sales points. More information can be found here.

An estimated 80,000 Ukrainian refugees live in Prague according to Interior Ministry Data, and a study by the PAQ Research firm shows that around three in four Ukrainians report living in financial hardship.

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