These are the classic dishes Czechs order most from the pub

New research focused on pub-going habits reveals what Czechs most frequently order and how much they are willing to pay for different meals. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 05.05.2022 12:55:00 (updated on 05.05.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

In pubs and restaurants throughout Czechia, patrons tend to overwhelmingly order the sort of food that soaks up beer, a new poll confirms. But what are those meals and how much are Czechs willing to pay for them?

A recent study, conducted by the Qerko mobile payment app, served up some insights on what Czechs order at the pub, from the most beloved beverage (guesses, anyone?) to the snack enjoyed most with the said beverage.

Mapping more than 143,000 users of its platform in restaurants, bars, and pubs throughout the country, Qerko determined that fried cheese (smažák), fried schnitzel (smažený řízek), beef sirloin in cream sauce (svíčková), and soup are the most frequently ordered meals in Czechia.

Smažák, that old vegetarian standby, ranges in price from CZK 85 to CZK 194 according to Qerko’s data. Svíčková ranges from CZK 119 to CZK 205, while prices for guláš, another firm favorite, were even more unpredictable, ranging from CZK 115 to CZK 259.

Sales made through the application also determined the drink that most frequently accompanies pub fare, which, it goes without saying, is beer. But what size do Czechs prefer to order?

The survey says that Czechs, overwhelmingly prefer large beers. A pint of beer represents more than 70 percent of all draft beers sold in restaurants and pubs. According to Qerko, the cheapest large beer costs CZK 29, the most expensive was a stiff CZK 180.

The average cost of a pint was CZK 47. Small beers (0.3 l) range up at an average CZK 36. (By the way, you can keep your 'special beers' which were the least ordered type in the survey.)

Pickled sausage (utopenci) and pickled cheese (nakládaný hermelin) remain the most popular side dishes to accompany beer, costing an average of CZK 77 and CZK 99 per serving, respectively.

Soups are also among the most popular menu items. The most ordered soups were broth (CZK 43), potato soup (47 CZK), and, the most expensive, kulajda for an average CZK 58.


While the numbers don't serve up many surprises, they do reflect a culture that has remained reassuringly devoted to the simple pleasures of pub fare.

“Looking at the most popular items at specific restaurants is interesting not only as a simple view into what is consumed and where but also because it serves as a reflection of our culture,” said Lukáš Kovač, CEO of Qerko.

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