Expats.cz banner format guide

How to design and submit effective banner designs that bring engagement

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on (updated on 13.12.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

In order to get the best effectiveness from your banner media, we strongly suggest that you follow our guidelines below. We require our clients to follow advert guidelines to ensure readability and quality control to match our style so you will get the highest level of engagement. See below for examples and guidance.

Who can design my banner?

Expats.cz recommends the design company Takeup to design your banners. They are quick and professional (cost cca. 1,500 CZK per banner set). Please contact Tomáš Bejvl at info@takeup.cz and tell them you were referred by Expats.cz

Don't forget a call-to-action! (CTA)

Do you want your visitor to take action on your banner? Then you must provide them with a button and instruction to "take action". Such CTA examples include a button, or underlined text with the words:

  • Learn more
  • Click now for details
  • Get offer now
  • Sign up!
  • Book now

Make it professional

We recommend that all banners are designed professionally with high-resolution images that are well rendered with clear, crisp & larger fonts so they can be easily read on mobile devices. Please keep the advert simple, do not add too many elements. Your banner advert represents your business, so please take time to ensure it is professionally designed.

Mobile banner tips

  • Design is specifically for mobile, don't just resize the desktop version
  • Keep it simple, with a headline and CTA button
  • Don't write lots of text, it will be hard to read

Always include a keyline border of 1 pixel

For banners that have an area that is light and does not have a clear outline, always add a 1 px keyline. If your banner has a uniform color that makes the outline clear, this is not required.


Good desktop banner examples

Here are some great examples of a strong CTA (call to action) button that instructs a visitor to take clear action, along with a strong and simple headline. More information is provided too, but only after the headline qualifies the visitor to read more.

Banner Example
Banner 2

Good mobile banner examples


For all advertising inquiries write to advertising@expats.cz or call +420 774 225 788 or visit our contact page. For demographics, and key data, download our media kit.

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