Interactive Czech Language Series: New Identity

Put an edge into learning Czech Staff

Written by Staff Published on 20.04.2012 11:30:22 (updated on 20.04.2012) Reading time: 1 minute

Put an edge into learning Czech with My Language Adventure!

What you’ve seen in the video:

Tak ještě jednou, jak se jmenujete? – So once more, what is your name?
Jmenuji se Paul Johnson, už máte moji občanku. – My name is Paul Johnson, you already have my ID.  We usually say občanka instead of občanský průkaz.
Nerozumím, proč mi nevěříte? – I don´t understand, why don’t you believe me?
Je mi 32 let, jsem učitel. – I am 32 years old, I am a teacher.
Jsem cizinec, bydlím v Praze. – I am a foreigner, I live in Prague.
Ale nejsem špion. – But I am not a spy.

More useful phrases:

Promiňte, neumím moc dobře česky. – I am sorry, I don´t speak Czech very well.
Můžete to prosím zopakovat? – Could you please repeat that?
Potřebuji pomoc. – I need help.
Neumím česky. – I can´t speak Czech.
Mám problém. – I have a problem.

You will find the guillotine in My Language Adventure Academy, and it is used for the New Identity workshop, too.

Interactive Czech Language Series: New Identity

Three sentences from New Identity module:

Dobrý den, pane, mohu vidět vaše osobní doklady? – Good morning, sir, can I see your personal documents?
Vezete v zavazadle něco neobvyklého? – Are you carrying anything unusual?
Jacob otevírá oči a letadlo přistává. – Jacob opens his eyes and the plane is landing.

Flash Cards, one app that will help you to learn Czech
Flash Cards, one app that will help you to learn Czech

To find out more about My Language Adventure click here.

Note: Video produced by Prague Camera.

Other episodes in this series:
Episode 1 – Traditions
Episode 2 – New Identity
Episode 3 – Beer Lover
Episode 4 – Chef
Episode 5 – Archery
Episode 6 – Jít/Jet
Episode 7 – Super Learning
Episode 8 – Memory Training

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