Prague to receive a new school of architecture Staff

Written by Staff Published on 08.04.2010 12:43:31 (updated on 08.04.2010) Reading time: 1 minute


A new private school of architecture with instruction in English is being planned for the capital – Architectural Institute in Prague (ARCHIP). Last year, an application for state approval and for the accreditation of the baccalaureate study programme in the field of Architecture was submitted to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The study programme has already been reviewed by the Accreditation Committee at the end of January and recommended for approval.

The plan to start a new school of architecture in Prague was born in 2005 in a group of people around the architects Martin Roubík (1949-2008)and Regina Loukotová, who will lead ARCHIP. The school will be truly international, with an emphasis on international students and faculty. The size (about 60 students per year-class) and focus of the school will suitably complement existing institutions providing architectural education in the Czech Republic, which makes for a broader choice of options for students interested in studying architecture.

ARCHIP should also be a platform for architecture in general, with its own promotion and publication activities. The school will keep in close contact with the professional and lay community, and with other local and international institutions in the field. The premises of ARCHIP will be in Veletržní palác in Prague 7 Holešovice, which is an outstanding  example of Modernist architecture and listed as cultural heritage. An information office will soon open in Veletržní palác.

Other important information and details (accreditation, study plan, faculty, admission procedure, terms and conditions of study, etc.) will be published conditionally on the outcome of the approval process at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Some details of the project of the school and more news can be found at

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