Czech President Miloš Zeman with a journalist via Facebook / Miloš Zeman - prezident České republiky
Lany, Central Bohemia, April 5 (CTK) – Czech President Miloš Zeman today supported the prolongation of the state of emergency by one month until May 11, which Central Crisis Staff and Interior Minister Jan Hamáček (Social Democrats, CSSD) wants to do, he told tabloid daily Blesk today.
“It is better to overdo something than to neglect it,” Zeman said.
With regard to the development of the epidemic, the restrictive rules should be applied at least a month or six weeks, he said.
The opposition parties, including the Communists (KSCM) who tolerate the minority government of the ANO movement and the CSSD wants to prolong the state of emergency only until the end of April. Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO) supported this variant as well. The Chamber of Deputies will be deciding on the prolongation next week.
Zeman also said he supported Hamáček by wearing a red pullover.
Hamáček has recently become popular by holding press conferences in a red sweatshirt.
Zeman also appreciated Hamáček’s role in securing deliveries of protective equipment from China. He said all the institutions that needed them should already have them. If not, like in some homes for the elderly, this was caused by bad distribution, he said.
The president also praised people for making face masks at home, but he said these face masks would not solve the situation. “The home-made face masks are about a thousandth of what we need,” he said.
Zeman supported the steps taken by the government. He said the government is not to blame for the lack of protective equipment because no government expected a pandemic.
He said people do not have to wear a face mask when they walk in the woods. “By wearing the mask, you protect the others, and so you do not need it in if you are in the forest,” he said.
Zeman also recommended that the state border remains closed for tourists for one year. He argued that if the infection returned to Czechia from countries in which it still would not be eradicated, it would depreciate the work of all the Czech medical staff.
He said people’s health is more important than the economy. “The idea that we set the economy in motion by saving money on treating the coronavirus is absolute nonsense and an atrocity,” Zeman said.