1460 properties
Maiselova, Praha 1 - Josefov
36 000 CZK / month, excluding agency fees
Italská, Praha 2 - Vinohrady
2 300 EUR / month
Pařížská, Praha 1 - Josefov
Price for negotiation
Praha 4 - Nusle
19 400 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, with agency fees, with legal services
Čestmírova, Praha 4 - Nusle
20 400 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees, with legal services
Čestmírova, Praha 4 - Nusle
19 400 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees, with legal services
Belgická, Praha 2 - Vinohrady
57 000 CZK / month, excluding agency fees
Belgická, Praha 2 - Vinohrady
84 000 CZK / month, excluding agency fees
Čestmírova, Praha 4 - Nusle
23 400 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees, with legal services
Holečkova, Praha 5 - Smíchov
34 000 CZK / month, with utility fees, excluding agency fees
Italská, Praha 2 - Vinohrady
2 500 EUR / month
Holečkova, Praha 5 - Smíchov
32 000 CZK / month, with utility fees, excluding agency fees
Holečkova, Praha 5 - Smíchov
56 000 CZK / month
Heinemannova, Praha 6 - Dejvice
27 000 CZK / month
Laubova, Praha 3 - Vinohrady
75 200 CZK / month