Festival on Prague's Kampa island one of several upcoming events for Ukraine

The biggest event will be on Kampa on Thursday, with dozens of cultural institutions participating or lending support.

Raymond Johnston

Written by Raymond Johnston Published on 02.03.2022 17:02:00 (updated on 02.03.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

Several musical events are being held to raise money in support of People in Need’s fund to help people from Ukraine.

The largest will be Culture for Ukraine (Kultura pro Ukrajinu) at Prague’s Kampa park on March 3, starting at 6 pm. There are also separate events for fans of electronic dance music and rap.

Festivals, theaters, and other cultural institutions will participate in Culture for Ukraine at Kampa.

“We, the participants of the Czech cultural scene, are frightened by the current development of the situation in Ukraine. We have a clear view of the Russian Federation's leadership, led by President Vladimir Putin. We consider it necessary to express solidarity with the Ukrainian people. We call on all those who have the opportunity to join our initiative,” the organizers of Culture for Ukraine said on Facebook.

Personalities from the Czech and Ukrainian, Russian, and Belarusian cultural scene are scheduled to participate including Vladimir 518 + DJ Wich, Lunago, Aneta Langerová, Ukrainian singer Svitlana Reichelova, Jaroslav Hutka, Aiko, Zabelov Group, Burian, and many others.

Ukrainian Ambassador Yevhen Petrovich Perebyjnis will also speak at the event, as well as representatives of the participating organizations, experts in the development of the current situation, and volunteers who have personal experience from the Ukrainian borders.

The event will support the public collection "SOS Ukraine" being held by People in Need (Člověk v tísni). The funds will be used for humanitarian aid to victims of armed conflict, people on the run, refugees, and the protection of vulnerable families and individuals.

More cultural organizations are voicing supporting the concert. One participant, Trafo Gallery, said it and other galleries will be auctioning off artworks to raise money to support Ukraine.

“Our gallery also clearly defines itself against the actions of the Russian Federation, led by President Vladimir Putin, and we consider it necessary to express solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Like almost 200 other cultural institutions, we are part of the #kulturaproukrajinu call,” the gallery said.

Open House Praha is also supporting the event.

“Although we are primarily an apolitical organization and our activities do not affect international conflicts, it is our moral duty to take part in expressing support for Ukraine,” Open House Praha said.

They are donating money from some guided architectural tours in both Czech, English, and Russian.

Organizers include Festival svobody, Koncert pro budoucnost, and Signal Festival, along with dozens of other groups.

Two more events will also benefit People in Need’s SOS Ukraine fund.

Dance 4 Ukraine is being held at District 7, a relatively new venue at Veletržní 61 in Prague 7, on March 3 from 8 pm to 4 am. Headliners include Chris Sadler, Michael J & Spiriakos, Michael C, Enrico & Snbm, and Orbith & Subgate. They will be donating their time. A timetable is on Facebook, so you can show up just in time for your favorite artist.Tickets are CZK 200.

Palác Akropolis on March 4 at 7 pm is hosting Rap for Ukraine (Rap pro Ukrajinu). Tickets are CZK 300, but peole can pay more if they want to. Participants include Prago Union, Martin Matys, Prezident Lourajder, MC Gey, and others.

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