Prague Is the Top Bitcoin City In the World

The Czech capital boasts the most Bitcoin-accepting vendors in the world Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 01.08.2018 08:27:08 (updated on 01.08.2018) Reading time: 1 minute

For those digital nomads and cryptocurrency geeks who want to spend Bitcoin in person and not just trade digital assets online, Forbes has put together a list of the most Bitcoin-friendly hotspots around the globe.

According to data sourced by CoinMap, Prague has the most Bitcoin-accepting vendors in the world (147) as of July 24, 2018, followed by Buenos Aires, San Francisco, Madrid, and New York to round out the top five.

The article notes that even rural parts of the Czech Republic have a high density of BTC-accepting businesses – Žatec, for instance, is home to over 50 establishments that accept Bitcoin.

In May, One of the largest Bitcoin ATM manufacturers in the world, General Bytes, installed ten new cryptocurrency ATMs throughout the Prague metro system allowing commuters to purchase Bitcoin at Můstek, Nádraží Veleslavín, Dejvická, Florenc, Černý Most, Zličín, Pankrác, Flora, Skalka, and Hlavní Nádraží.

Prague was among the pioneers of the cryptocurrency scene with the opening of its Crypto Anarchy Institute, Paralelní Polis, in Holešovice in 2014 which received international media attention for its Bitcoin Coffee café. The institute hosts regular Bitcoin meetups and has even hosted a Bitcoin flea market.

Since then a number of other local venues have begun accepting Bitcoin including movie theater Bio Oko and Prague Siesta Apartments accommodation.

Click here to see a round-up of local crypto businesses on CoinMap.

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