Prague debuts new high-visibility metro and train station entrance signs

The new signs, part of the city's Legible Prague project, are placed at an elevated height to allow visitors to quickly identify metro entrances from afar. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 25.02.2024 13:18:00 (updated on 25.02.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague's public transportation system is undergoing a subtle yet significant upgrade with the introduction of new high-visibility entrance signs at metro and train stations. These signs, installed as part of the Legible Prague project by Prague Integrated Transport, aim to simplify navigation for commuters and visitors alike.

The signs, designed to be easily visible from a distance, serve as illuminated navigation cubes directing individuals towards metro and train stations. The project is a part of the city's broader efforts to enhance its transportation infrastructure through integrated signs and maps.

Testing for the new metro signs began in 2022 at Palackého náměstí, with new pilot installations at the Rajská zahrada and Eden train stations, and metro stations like Malostranská and Háje. These signs, which are color-coded to correspond to different metro lines, aim to improve readability and visibility, ensuring passengers can easily identify their intended routes.

The overarching goal of the new signs is to make navigation seamless, particularly at stations that may not be immediately visible in busy areas of the city. By providing clear and eye-catching signage, passengers can navigate the city's transportation network with greater ease and efficiency.

The materials and construction solutions used in these signs are being rigorously tested to ensure durability and effectiveness. With these new metro entrance signs, Prague is not only modernizing its transportation infrastructure but also prioritizing the convenience and satisfaction of its residents and visitors.

In addition to the new metro signage, other elements of Legible Prague include a new metro map that was recently launched throughout the city's underground, and above-ground street maps that have begun to pop up in selected areas of the city center.

Feedback from commuters for the Readable Prague project is being solicited through a online questionnaire, allowing for continuous refinement of the project based on real-world usage.

As the project progresses, adjustments will be made based on user feedback and testing results. This collaborative approach ensures that the final navigation system meets the needs of the public and enhances the overall commuting experience in Prague.

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