Self-pick or delivery: Prague's strawberry season is summer in a basket

2023's berrylicious options include pre-order, delivery, or self-collect. Here's how to reach the city's sweetest stands and fragrant fields. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 06.06.2023 14:00:00 (updated on 06.06.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

Strawberry season in the Czech Republic is short but sweet, beginning in the early weeks of June and ending in July. The beginning of the season varies due to the weather and readiness of individual harvests. In Moravia, strawberry growers reported an early start to the season with self-pickers reportedly flocking to fields in Šakvice through the weekend to harvest this year's crop.

Here in Prague, the season kicks off today, with the two main sellers of strawberries, Jahody Kunratice and Kunratické jahody announcing on Facebook that they have launched sales (the two strawberry farms share a family connection but operate different businesses).

You can buy Jahody Kunratice strawberries in two locations: At a stand (7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. or until sold out) and in the parking lot of the St. Jacob church in Kunratice (7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. or until sold out). Strawberries cost CZK 126 per kilogram at both stands.

Jahody Kunratice offers strawberries for sale at Prague farmer's markets Kubánské náměstí and Náplavka (for CZK 146 per kg) and accepts preorders for pick-up at designated locations as well as home delivery for those who want to avoid the drizzly weather predicted for most of this week (different districts of Prague have different delivery days). See delivery prices and rates and directions to Kunratice here.

Kunratické Jahody sells its morning 5 a.m. harvest on K Libuši Street, a few meters in front of the Kunratice Church from 8 a.m. until supplies run out. Fresh berries are brought in every hour. See directions and map here.

Kunratické jahody will have stands at markets throughout Prague as well:

  • Kubánské náměstí farmers market (Tue, Thu, Sat)
  • Jiřího z Poděbrady farmers market (Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
  • Arkády Pankrac farmers market (days not given)
  • Náplavka farmers market (Sat)
  • Heřmaňák farmers market (Sat)

Currently, neither farm is offering self-picking options but both say on their websites that customers will be notified of the opening of self-collection options a day in advance (follow the farms on social for updates). You'll find specific directions for both public transport and cars on each site.

Another Prague farm, Schwenk, opened its self-pick area earlier this week. Located in Uhříněves, the farm is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The field is reachable by public transport. Read more here.

For lovers of summer berries, seeking out farm-fresh stands is a must: locally-grown fruit tends to be softer, sweeter, and juicier than the earlier, out-of-season imports. Crowds do typically gather at all the above-mentioned locations during the strawberry season. Setting out early is advised.

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