Fun things to do in Prague, June 25-28: live music in the streets, a "pier" opens, and a giant waterslide

This week saw the opening of several important art exhibits while the weekend promises waterside (and water!) attractions Staff

Written by Staff Published on 25.06.2020 15:25:02 (updated on 25.06.2020) Reading time: 1 minute


Pasta Oner, Dream Big, 2019, oil and acrylic on canvas, 150 × 300 cm, private collection, photo: Michal Zikmund


Giant waterslide in Malesice park via

  • June 27: Grand opening of Cyklovna, free ice-cream for kids, see here 
  • June 27: LegoRhythm outdoor performance at Švestkový Dvůr
  • June 28: Big Spring Prize at Chuchle Arena with kids area, see here
  • through June 29: Giant waterslide in Malesice park, see here


A scene from the movie Roman Holiday, via Goout

  • June 25: International Road Movie Festival at Kino Pilotů, see here
  • June 26: Coffee tasting and screening of the AeroPress Movie at Edison Filmhub, see here
  • June 27: Haunted Summer from Ivan Passer, Kino Ponrepo, see here
  • June 28: Film and Breakfast at Přítomnost Boutique Cinema, see here

Photo via Vegan Fighter


Chanson at Werich villa / photo

  • June 25: Lucerna Music Bar Open Air, see here
  • June 27: Open-air Chanson at Werich Villa, see here
  • June 27: Prague Youth Theatre Advance class performs, see here


Alternative path by French artist Benedetto Bufalino / via Raymond Johnston

  • from June 20 Landscape Festival (see article here)
  • June 25-26: Prague Rooftop Festival, register here 
  • June 25: Praha Live Music Festival 2020, see here
  • June 26-28 Audiozoo Rooftop Festival (Křižík’s pavilion), see here
  • June 27: Dyzajn market summer, see details here

What did we miss? Share your weekend tips in the comments.

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