Female Weapons

Unfashionable Fashion Show at Alfred ve dvoře

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 12.06.2007 16:20:24 (updated on 12.06.2007) Reading time: 1 minute

Unfashionable Fashion Show at
Alfred ve dvoře

Kolouchův sen

THU | June 28 | 2007 | 8pm
big stage

An eccentric fashion show that easily defeats the mainstream fashion imperative as well as the ideal beauty myth and through clothing encourages an uninhibited search for ones individuality.

You will witness, how easily can an unwearable item become marvellously chic and vice versa! You can expect a refreshing waterfall of clothes, jewellery, masks, shoes and other items suitable for female body.

Enjoy the end of theatre season at the spectacular unfashionable fashion show backed by Kapitan Demo´s beats. Moderator may be a surprise.

Alfred ve dvoře (Alfred in the Courtyard), the stage for new theatre, presents progressive performance works and unique creation-based projects.  The focus is on contemporary directions in live art, especially on physical theatre, visual performance and experimental works

clothes: Kolouchuv sen (Hana Poislova, Michaela Huffsteter), models: Girls, girls, girls, music: Kapitan Demo, light design, choreography: Jan Benes – McGadie

CLICK HERE for more info


Apartment for rent, 2+1 - 1 bedroom, 40m<sup>2</sup>

Apartment for rent, 2+1 - 1 bedroom, 40m2

Krakovská, Praha 1 - Nové Město

Apartment for rent, 5 bedrooms +, 255m<sup>2</sup>

Apartment for rent, 5 bedrooms +, 255m2

Ibsenova, Praha 2 - Vinohrady

Apartment for rent, 5 bedrooms +, 171m<sup>2</sup>

Apartment for rent, 5 bedrooms +, 171m2

Ibsenova, Praha 2 - Vinohrady

Alfred ve dvoře
Fr. Křížka 36 / Praha 7 / Holešovice / ticket office and bar are open  one hour before performance
INFO A REZERVACE: www.alfredvedvore.cz  / divadlo@alfredvedvore.cz  / rezervace@alfredvedvore.cz / +420 233 376 997
Ticket office of Divadlo v Celetné / Celetná 17 / Praha 1
bar at BIO OKO / Fr. Křížka 15 / Praha 7
Bookstore Polí pět / Dittrichova 13 / Praha 2

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