Almost 50 Czech areas, including Prague, face flood alerts

A combination of high rainfall and melting snow have contributed to rising water levels across Czech rivers, with the highest risk in Ústí nad Labem. Staff ČTK

Written by StaffČTK Published on 28.12.2023 10:13:00 (updated on 28.12.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

This morning, 48 locations across Czechia were under flood alert with four areas along the Elbe River at the highest risk. According to the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ), 10 areas reported a reduced flood alert by 5 a.m.

The warning issued by meteorologists pertains to potential stream flooding around the Elbe and Morava rivers, and the lower sections of the Vltava and Ohře rivers.

Děčín, Ústí nad Labem, Litoměřice, and Kostelec nad Labem in the Mělník (Central Bohemia) area woke to the Elbe River at level-three flood danger (the highest). Meanwhile, the Vltava River in Český Krumlov (South Bohemia), fluctuated between dangerous levels around midnight before being downgraded to a lower-level alert three hours later.

Further adding to the concern, other areas like Trmice on the Bílina River in the Ústí nad Labem region, Kácov in Kutna Hora, and Nové Sady in Olomouc reported flood alerts in the early hours.

The ČHMÚ has set a low-level flood alert for Prague as of Thursday morning. However, the surrounding Lysá nad Labem, Neratovice, Mělník, Nymburk, Kolín, and Poděbrady areas (all Central Bohemia) have an extreme-danger level alert. The town of Černošice, which borders Prague, has a medium-level flood alert. The entirety of southwest and northeast Czechia is without risk.

From now, water levels in rivers nationwide are expected to fall, with the exclusion of areas around the Ústí nad Labem region. "The peak of the river level in Ústí nad Labem should come late tonight, and from tomorrow [water levels in the] Elbe River should gradually fall too,” said a Czech Television meteorologist.

The rise in river levels commenced prior to Christmas Eve due to substantial rainfall and subsequent snowmelt from significant temperature jumps. On Christmas Day, Prague activated preventive measures due to the rising water levels. The city's flood authority implemented closed floodplains and activated barriers along the Vltava. 


The flood-alert warning issued by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute as of Thursday morning. (Photo: Screengrab from Czech Hydrometeorological Institute)
The flood-alert warning issued by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute as of Thursday morning. (Photo: Screengrab from Czech Hydrometeorological Institute)

High river levels impacted structures, leading some residents to evacuate homes preemptively. Transportation faced disruptions, with roads and underpasses submerged. In some areas, water also entered buildings, causing moderate damage. Notably, firefighters’ technical interventions surged multiple-fold, surpassing regular intervention rates on Tuesday.

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