Get Immunized

Vaccines in the Czech Republic Staff

Written by Staff Published on 04.12.2006 11:32:49 (updated on 04.12.2006) Reading time: 3 minutes

Written by Laura Baranik

Like most developed countries, the Czech Republic has virtually eradicated diseases such as polio, diphteria, tetanus, and whooping cough through nation-wide immunization. To keep you and your children healthy, we´ve compiled a list of the most common vaccinations and the recommended timeline for their administration.

Standard Vaccinations:

Diphteria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough),  Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (DiTePeHib)
Initial vaccinations:
Dose 1 – 9-12 weeks old
Dose 2 – 4-5 months
Dose 3 – 5-6 months
Dose 4 – 18-20 months
DiTePe booster shot: 5 years old
Tetanus booster shots: 15 years old; further boosters recommended every 10-15 years

Adults not yet immunized:
Initial vaccinations:
Dose 1
Dose 2 – 6 weeks after Dose 1
Dose 3 – 6 months after Dose 2
Booster shots: recommended every 10-15 years

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
Initial vaccination: 15 months old
Booster shot: 6-10 months after initial vaccination

Adults and children aged 2 and older:
One or two doses, with an interval of 6-10 months.

Polio (Types 1, 2, 3)
A nation-wide polio immunization campaign is held every March and May; initial shots are given for babies born the previous year (or who are at least 2 months old), and boosters are provided for older children.
Initial vaccinations:
Dose 1 – in March
Dose 2 – in May
Booster shots:
Dose 1 – in  March (1 year after initial vaccinations)
Dose 2 – in May
Dose 3 – at age 14 in May

Tuberculosis (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin [BCG])
Initial vaccination:  Single dose; infants from four days to six weeks old.
Booster shot: 11 years old
If the above immunization schedule is not met, children are to be vaccinated after being given the other standard childhood vaccinations (DiTePeHib, MMR, Polio, etc.)

Commonly Recommended Vaccinations:

Chicken Pox
Children from 12 months to 12 years old:
Single dose

Two doses 4 to 8 weeks apart

Booster shots: Recommended every 5 to 10 years for both children and adults.

Hepatitis A
Initial vaccination:
Dose 1
Dose 2 – 6-12 months after Dose 1
Booster shot: 5 years after last dose

Hepatitis B
Initial vaccination:
Dose 1 – 9-12 weeks old
Dose 2 – 13-16 weeks old
Dose 3 – 9 months old
(Doses 1 and 2 usually administered at same time as DiTePeHib)

Children not immunized as infants:
Initial vaccination:
Dose 1
Dose 2 – 4-6 months after Dose 1

Adults not yet immunized:
Initial vaccination:
Dose 1
Dose 2 – 1 month after Dose 1
Dose 3 – 6 months after Dose 2

Hepatitis A and B (combined)
Initial vaccination:
Dose 1
Dose 2 – 1 month after Dose 1
Dose 3 – 6 months after Dose 2

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
A vaccine has recently been developed to prevent the onset of the most dangerous strains of HPV, a sexually transmitted infection that causes genital warts and can lead to cervical cancer. The vaccine will be available to women here starting in early 2007, and is to be given in three doses over a six-month period. The Czech Republic has the second-highest rate of cervical cancer in Europe, following the U.K.

Influenza (Flu)
Flu shots are administered each autumn, and are best taken in September or early October, before flu season begins.

Children up to 12 years old:
Two doses given 4-6 weeks apart

Adults and children over 12:
Single dose each autumn

Pneumococcal Disease (Pneumonia)
Recommended for adults aged 65 and older and those who are at risk for pneumonia due to a weakened immune system.


Adults and children:
Single dose

Tick-Borne Encephalitis
Ticks are common in the Czech Republic, and while tick-borne encephalitis is quite rare, a tick shot is recommended, particularly if you´ll be spending any time in the woods.

Adults and children:
Initial vaccination:
Dose 1
Dose 2 – 1-3 months after dose 1
Dose 3 – 9-12 months after dose 2
Booster shot: 3-5 years after last dose

Common Czech Vaccination Terms:

booster shot: boosterující imunizace
cervical cancer: cervikální rakovina
chicken pox: plané neštovice
diphteria: záškrt
dose: dávka
genital warts: genitální bradavice
haemophilus influenza type B: hemofilové nákazy typu b
hepatitis (A, B): hepatitida (A, B)
human papilloma virus (HPV): lidský papilomavirus
immunization: imunizace
immunization agent: očkovací látka
influenza: chřipka
initial vaccination: primární imunizace
measles: spalničky
mumps: příušnice
polio: dětská obrna
pneumococcal disease: pneumokokové nákazy
pneumonia: zápal plic
rubella: zarděnky
tick-borne encephalitis: klíšt´ová encefalitida
tetanus: tetanus
tuberculosis: tuberkuloza
vaccination (against): očkování (proti)
vaccine: vakcína
whooping cough: dávivý kašel

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