Study: Czechia could increase renewable energy share to 33 percent

Legislative changes and government willpower are needed if Czechia will meet ambitious goals for reducing the use of fossil fuels. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 12.04.2023 08:24:00 (updated on 12.04.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

Czechia is capable of doubling the share of renewable energy by 2030, according to a study by the organization Facts on Climate Change and an expert group at the law firm Frank Bold.

Facts on Climate Change (Fakta o klimatu) analyst Jan Krčál said the study showed renewable energy could reach 33 percent of what is consumed in Czechia by 2030. The share of renewables is currently about 17 percent, with the vast majority coming from biomass.

Electricity generated from solar power systems has experienced a major boom in recent years, however, the data showed that a similar boost for wind energy was needed, he said.

More solar and wind power

Solar and wind energy could contribute most significantly to increasing the share of renewable sources consumed in Czechia by adding 6.2 percentage points by 2030, the study showed.

The country can gain another 5.8 percentage points by increasing energy efficiency, mainly through insulation, higher use of heat pumps, and more electromobility. Further development of sustainable biomass could add another 4 percentage points to the share of renewable energy by 2030.

The study said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has intensified the pressure to transform Europe's energy sector to green sources, as have the EU's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“The energy and climate crisis have a common denominator – fossil fuels. And therefore also a common solution, which is the replacement of fossil fuels with clean energy sources and investments in energy efficiency and savings,” the study said.

New legislation needed

Czech legislation has already made it easier to get rooftop solar power systems. But Laura Otýpková, a lawyer from the Frank Bold group, said more legislative changes are needed. These would include opening the energy market to new participants and introducing smart energy solutions.

The EU is expected to produce 42.5 percent of its total energy consumption from renewable sources in 2030, based on an agreement reached by member states and the European Parliament in March. The agreement increased the previous commitment, which was 32 percent. The commitment applies to the EU as a whole.

Many member states, including Czechia, have significantly lower national targets. An update of the plan reflecting the March agreement is currently under preparation by the Czech government.

Analysts at Facts on Climate Change seek to create a data-driven discussion on climate change. Frank Bold provides legal expertise and advice on energy and green finance.

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