Student waits for her bus in Prague (illustrative photo)
Prague has been rated the best city in the world to be a university student according to AppJobs, a popular app and website that helps students find part-time work in their city.
But what, exactly, makes a city good for a student?
AppJobs rated the world’s top university cities (from according to five key criteria in their new ranking.
Those criteria included a city’s total number of universities, its number of part-time jobs for students, the average monthly cost of an apartment to rent, its number of concerts and other cultural events, and the cost of a beer.
Prague, naturally was the cheapest city for a beer, even if the city is no longer as inexpensive as it once was: the cost of an average pint in Prague was deemed to be £1.23 (about 37 crowns), which was less than half of the price in the next closest cities, Berlin and Buenos Aires (both £2.65, or 79 crowns).
And despite skyrocketing apartment costs, the Czech capital also rated high in the average monthly rent, with the cost of a Prague flat pegged at £569.17 (almost 17,000 crowns). Only Taipei boasted cheaper rental costs, at £493.28 (14,700 crowns).
While those prices might seem high to the long term Prague resident, the Czech capital is still a considerably cheaper place to rent a flat than, say, Hong Kong (£1,859.28, or 55,400 crowns per month).
Among the other ranking criteria, Prague boasted more modest numbers, including three top-rated universities (Paris has 31) and 131 monthly concerts and shows (New York had 446).
With only 151 part-time jobs for students, Prague fell towards the bottom of the rankings in this category, which was dominated by New York (22,582) and London (19,360). But this number only reflected the number of part-time jobs within the AppJobs app.