More than one in five Czechs consider foreigners living in the Czech Republic a large security threat

Terrorists, international organised crime, and refugees are also viewed as big threats to peace and security by a majority of Czechs


Written by ČTK Published on 16.01.2020 07:00:12 (updated on 16.01.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague, Jan 16 (CTK) – A majority of Czechs considers terrorists (58 percent), international organised crime (57 percent) and refugees (54 percent) a big threat to peace and security, according to a CVVM institute poll carried out in November and released this week.

Nearly half of Czechs (48 percent) consider radical religious movements a big security threat.

About one out of four people said they consider foreign intelligence services (28 percent), far-right groups (27 percent), far-left groups (26 percent) and foreigners living in the Czech Republic (22 percent) a big threat.

More Czechs than in the previous years consider foreign intelligence a big threat, the pollsters write.

Terrorism remains the biggest threat for Czechs, but the number of those who consider it the most serious threat has decreased since 2016. In 2015, 81 percent said it was a big security threat.

Slightly more people than one year ago consider international organised crime a big threat, while the portion of those who see refugees as a big threat remains unchanged. In 2015, two thirds of Czechs said refugees were a big threat.

The poll showed that roughly one third of the respondents considered a global economic crisis (39 percent), natural disasters (36 percent), a raw material crisis (34 percent), an epidemic (31 percent) and wars (29 percent) a real threat to Czechia.

Almost four fifths of the people had an optimistic view of their own future and the future of their loved ones. Most respondents (62 percent) are also optimistic about the future of Czech society. Half of them have an optimistic view of the future of Europe, and pessimists prevail over optimists when they were asked about their view of the future of humankind.

CVVM carried out the poll on 1015 respondents from November 2 to November 15, 2019.

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