Map shows where every Prague transit vehicle is in real time

The map, which will eventually be added to the PID Lítačka app, lets you search by each route or type of vehicle to see how long you will have to wait. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 10.02.2023 07:30:00 (updated on 10.02.2023) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague has an excellent public transit system, but there still are delays. An online map shows the exact location of all public transit vehicles in real time, so you can decide if it is worth waiting or making alternative plans. The function will likely soon be added to the PID Lítačka application.

People in Prague and Central Bohemia can see exactly where each metro train, tram, bus, or ferry is on the route, how late it is, and check the timetable. The map can be filtered by route number, type of vehicle, or even vehicle registration number.

Information about each specific vehicle such as whether it is easily accessible for wheelchairs, has air conditioning, or even if it has USB ports for the public is also available by clicking the dots on the map.

Zbyněk Jiráček, head of the technical development and projects department of regional transit operator Ropid, told new server iDnes that the map already has tens of thousands of users on workdays. Usage can double when there are significant transportation problems.

Screen grab of the transit map.
Screen grab of the transit map.

App developers can access the data for free

Ropid collects data from all vehicles throughout Prague and Central Bohemia and makes it available to data platforms managed by the city-run firm Operátor ICT, which runs the map.


The same data is also now accessible to anyone who wants to use it for their apps, so Google or Seznam, for example, could add it to their maps. Jiráček said that thanks to competition, many new solutions using the data could be developed. This will benefit public transit users without the city having to spend additional money.

Operátor ICT and Ropid plan to integrate the map into the PID Lítačka system, but the exact date has not yet been set. The biggest priority now is to improve the map for mobile users, as it is slower on older devices.  

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