Interior Ministry: Czechia should continue denying visas to Russians

A bill restricting Russians and Belarusians is intended to put pressure on those countries to end the war.


Written by ČTK Published on 03.05.2022 09:28:00 (updated on 03.05.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague, May 2 (ČTK) – The Czech Ministry of the Interior wants the Czech Republic to continue denying visas and residence permits to Russians and Belarusians even after the current state of emergency ends, the government stated on its website Monday.

The ministry argues that these measures will exert pressure on Russia and Belarus and may help end the war. It has also proposed that the government be given the power to regulate the entry and stay of all foreigners from third countries.

At the beginning of March, the Czech Republic declared a state of emergency, set to last until May 31, due to the migration wave brought on by the ongoing war in Ukraine.

As part of the state of emergency, the government also adopted a crisis measure that prevents embassies from accepting applications for visas and for long-term and permanent residence permits from Russians and Belarusians. Family members of citizens of the Czech Republic and the European Union, or those persecuted by the totalitarian regimes of Russia and Belarus are an exception.

While that measure is valid until the end of the state of emergency the ministry is now proposing that it become enshrined in a special set of laws adopted in response to the Russian invasion and influx of war refugees, saying that the move has proven successful and should be extended.

"It can be expected that exerting pressure on the given countries may, as a general consequence, help terminate aggression and the subsequent refugee wave stirred up by such aggression," the Interior Ministry said.

The ministry added that Russians and Belarusians in the Czech Republic may threaten the country's security.

Additional measures to be entered into law include a three-day deadline for Ukrainian refugees to report a change of their residence, which authorities say will help secure lodging, places at schools and kindergartens, and job opportunities.

The proposal also reduces the period during which the state covers health insurance for refugees with temporary protection visas for up to 180 days, the ministry said. The state would keep paying health insurance for job applicants, caregivers of small children, and pensioners.

The Interior has forwarded the law to the Chamber of Deputies and Senate for consideration.

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