Flannel-shirt run and large concert planned in support of Pavel this weekend

Over 30 acts will take the stage at Prague's Lucerna in a five-hour concert on Sunday, while a 'flannel run' in Letná takes place the same day.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 20.01.2023 12:23:00 (updated on 20.01.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

Lucerna Music Bar hosts a concert for presidential candidate Petr Pavel this weekend.

Over 30 musicians will appear at a concert to support the retired military general. The show will also be streamed over social networks.

Pavel faces off against former prime minister Andrej Babiš in the next round of the Czech presidential elections on Jan 27–28.

Pavel won 35.40 percent of the votes in the first round.

Brno, Pilsen, Pelhřimov, Olomouc, Jihlava, Hradec Králové, and Benešov will also host "Together for Pavel" (Společně pro Pavla) concerts. The five-hour marathon slated for Prague is the biggest.

Jitka Čvančarová, Xindl X, Janek Ledecký, Pavel Callta, Adam Mišík, Aleš Háma & spol., Bára Basiková, Tomáš Matonoha and friends, Už jsme doma, Jan Čenský, Václav Marhoul, and Jiří Hrdina are scheduled to perform.

Pavel's appearance at the concert is likely, but not yet confirmed, organizer Robin Suchánek said in a press release.

"After 10 years, a person who knows how to behave decently, who will actively represent our country with dignity, who will not have problems with the law, will finally become president in our country and perform the service honestly and conscientiously,” Suchánek said.

Miloš Zeman has been president since 2013 and is not eligible to run again. He has faced criticism for his controversial statements and behavior throughout his terms.


The concert will be broadcast live via social networks due to Lucerna's limited capacity.

Flannel runs planned across the country

Pavel's fondness for flannel shirts has created a buzz on social media.

Organized runs encouraging people to sport flannel are taking place across the country. A similar event, Short pants for Havel, is linked to former President Václav Havel. A website lists all of the runs. In Prague, a run takes place at Letná on Jan. 22 at 11:55 a.m.

Pavel's stylist Štěpánka Pivcová told Forbes that his use of flannel makes him look “masculine and informal.” For Pavel, flannel shirts are a sign of well-being and peace, she added.

Společně pro Pavla takes place on Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. at Lucenra Music Bar. Admission is free. See more on the event's Facebook page.

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