Czechia joins G7 in pledging long-term support for Ukraine's security

Czechia's decision aims to provide security guarantees and assistance against potential Russian aggression. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 04.08.2023 10:20:00 (updated on 04.08.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

The Czech Republic joined the declaration of the G7 countries on long-term support for Ukraine. The government decided on this on the sidelines of the July NATO summit in Vilnius, Foreign Ministry spokesman Daniel Drake told ČTK. According to Ukraine's national news agency Ukrinform, a total of 12 countries have joined this declaration.

During the summit in Vilnius, the G7 group of advanced economies unveiled an international framework aimed at bolstering Ukraine's defense against potential Russian aggression and providing long-term security guarantees. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy hailed this announcement as a crucial victory for his nation's security.

The joint statement, open to other countries' participation, includes the United States, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, Italy, Britain, and the European Union. Within the framework, provisions are made for supplying modern military equipment, offering training programs, sharing intelligence, and enhancing cyber defense capabilities for Ukraine. In exchange, Ukraine has committed to implementing governance reforms, particularly in areas such as the judiciary and economy, along with increased transparency.

Declaration also calls for increased reforms in Ukraine

The statement emphasizes that the G7 countries view Russia's illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine as a severe threat to international peace and security, a clear violation of international law, including the UN Charter, and incompatible with their security interests. The G7 nations pledged to support Ukraine in defending itself against any aggression from Russia for as long as necessary.

"We stand united in our unwavering support for Ukraine, grounded in our shared democratic values and interests, particularly upholding the UN Charter and the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty," the statement asserts.

The G7 group also expressed its commitment to aiding Kyiv in implementing its reform agenda, which aims to foster good governance, further Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations, and reinforce its commitment to democracy, the rule of law, and human rights and media freedoms, according to the declaration.


Apart from Czechia, the countries joining the declaration include Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Finland, and Sweden, as reported by Ukrinform. This concerted international effort seeks to strengthen Ukraine's position in the face of potential threats and promote stability and democracy in the region.

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